Rather Alone

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I fell asleep in the room Ezra let me stay in. I woke up before anyone else. But stayed in my room. I didn't want to come out...especially today. It was my birthday and i don't like my birthday because of my past...too many memories that will haunt me forever. And it gets worse by seeing Ezra. *Sigh*. Ezra knocked on my door. "Hey...are you up"? I opened the door. "Yeah I'm up". "You ok? You look depressed." "Oh...it-it's nothing..." "You sure?" "Yes." "Well i was wondering if you want to stick around while me and Kanan train." "I'm sorry i would love to but not today..." "Huh?" "N-nothing..." "Ok then... I'll see you later" "Bye." I closed the door. I could tell Ezra knew something was wrong...he had always been good at knowing when something was wrong with me. I sat down on the bed and looked at my feet. I started to cry. I could sense Kanan outside the door but i didn't acknowledge him. Instead i kept crying. Until Kanan knocked on my door. I stopped crying and wiped away my tears. "It's open." Kanan walked in. "Hey." "Hi." "So...Ezra told me he was going to ask you if you wanted to watch us train." "Oh yeah...he came and asked..." "Let me guess you said no?" "Yeah I'm sorry just today is not a good day..." "Today?" "Yeah...um...it's just not a good day." "You ok? You seem distracted and worried." "Oh...really? No no I'm fine." "Ok. Well i guess I'll see you later then." "Yeah...um before you go." "Yes?" "How bad did Ezra want me to come watch?" "Really bad..." "Oh...ok then." Kanan left my room. I thought to myself. "Maybe i should go...Just for a little bit at least." I walked out of my room. I met up wit Ezra and Kanan. "You came." "Yeah...but I'm only staying for a little bit." "Fine by me." "Ok." I watched them train. Ezra had a hard time reflecting the lases at the target. So i decided to give him tips. "Um...Ezra?" "Yeah?" "Maybe if you held the blade up more and try adjusting you aiming angle it might help." "Oh...ok. I guess i can give it a try." Kanan looked at me suspiciously. "How do you know that?" "Uh...I just guessed." "M hmm."  "Kana look! She was right!" I smiled but for only a short sec before i looked depressed again. "Thank you um..." "Infinity...My name is Infinity." "Well then...Infinity...Thank you." "No problem." "You did a god job. Thanks for helping." "Your welcome...I should get going back to my room." Kanan looked suspiciously and confused at me. "Well since we're back on Earth i need to grab something." "Not alone." "Trust me...I'm better off alone today." "Take Ezra with you at least." "No thank you...I need time to myself today." "Fine then we both will come with you." "Ugh." I went to go grab my lightsabers. And camouflaged them. I got out before they did and i snuck out alone. I grabbed my sword that can withstand a lightsaber. Just then the inquisitor appeared out of no where and i drew my sword. "What do you want?" Ezra and Kanan just arrived to but couldn't get in because it was blocked off so they had to unblock it. "I just wanted to say happy birthday my dear." "It's her birthday?!" "That must be why she's acting so weird...maybe something bad happened to her like you." "Maybe." "Go away I'm not in the mood to deal with you!" "Too bad because i am." "GRRR!!!!!" I drew my sword.

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