The Fight

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It was the inquisitor. "Uh oh." "Let me guess your a new member of these so called rebels hm?" "I-uh no I don't know any of them." Ezra went to get Kanan. "Is that so little one?" "Hey! I'm not little!" "Really? Let's see what your made of then shall we?" I started backing up and looking behind me. "I don't think so inquisitor." Kanan jumped in front of me then Ezra did as well. "Tell me why are they protecting you if your not part of their crew?" "Because they help people. Its what they do." "You said you didn't know them. How do you know that?" "I-i-i- just shut up! Leave me alone!" "You should get out of here um..." "Im-Bailey." "Bailey you should get out of here. Run." I nodded and ran into the woods even deeper. "Too bad she would have been fun to fight. A real challenge." "What are you talking about?" "Yeah she's just a normal girl." "Hm...I guess you couldn't feel it then." "Enough talk!" They fought until the inquisitor said, "It would be such a shame if your friend was to get caught". "What did you do!" "Haha!" The inquisitor ran off in the direction I went in and Kanan and Ezra ran into the ship to look for me faster. *gasp* I needed air for running so fast for so long. "I shouldn't have left them. I should've helped." "Indeed young one." I turned around and saw the inquisitor. "What do you want!?" "Simple your friends left you and I know who you are." "You know nothing about me!" I started walking away. "Is that so Infinity". "What did you just say!" "Your name." "That is not my name!" "Oh stop trying to hide it." I started getting mad. "Haha." Then I threw a punch at him. "So its a fight you want. Then its a fight you"ll get." We fought endlessly until he pulled out his lightsabers. "Now what are you going to do? Reveal yourself! You can't hide who you really are." I dodged his attacks and fought for so long. Then Ezra and Kanan arrived to help me. "Back away!" "Get on the ship Bailey." "You got it." "Haha you think that's her name and who she is? Your being deceived. Haha." "Like we would believe you!" "Hahaha...suit yourself then." The inquisitor used the force on me and forced me right to him. Ugh! Hey me go!" "Calm yourself young one." "Stop saying that!" "I would be quiet if I was you." "Let her go!" He put his lightsaber in front of me to my neck. "I-i-i..." I thought for a second. "Take him out!" "No...we'll end up taking you out to." Don't worry about me if taking me put means saving others then do it." "Isn't this touching." I completely stopped struggling. "You really want this huh?" "Shut up because it will be the end of you". "And you." "...I know...". He put his lightsaber closer to my neck and started to touch me. I screamed. "NO!" "Hahaha". He stopped. I managed to distract Kanan and Ezra so they wouldn't see me use the force and swung him into a creek nearby. "Grrr!" My eyes were turning red. But I had a mask on over my eyes so they couldn't see me. "Wait where did the inquisitor go?" "Oh he went for a swim". "How-?" "No time to explain he will come back." "OK get on the ship". "Ok."

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