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"Were going to have to stop on earth or else were going to crash"! "Are you sure Hera?" "Yes its our only option." "Ok". The rebels landed on earth in the woods near where I was. I sensed Kanan and Ezra as soon as they entered the atmosphere. *GASP*! "Ezra's here?! On earth!?" I went deeper into the woods to see if I could find them and saw their ship. They were fixing it. It looked like they were shot. But I couldn't stop wondering what they were doing on earth. I saw someone was Ezra. I could tell it was a lightsaber cut. I knew I was trying to stay undercover but I knew someone had to have sensed me by now. I backed up to act like I had just got there but I ran into someone while I was backing up. It was Kanan. "I-i-i-i-i-". Kanan stopped me from talking. Then everyone came over. " Why are you here? Who are you? Are you some sort of spy for the empire?" "Empire they'r- um never mind in was just leaving." "You're not going anywhere you know of our presence and that is dangerous to know if you tell the empire". "We'll see about that." I back flipped onto a tree branch and ran. "Catch her we can't let her tell people!" I ran until a tree branch broke and I fell onto a log over a creek then it broke and I fell in. "Agh! Ow!" "Kanan over here"! " Nice job Ezra." I grabbed my side as I pulled myself out of the creek. "Agh! *cough* *cough*". " Your coming with us". "No!" I tried running but fell because I was too weak. "Kanan let me try." "Ok fine Ezra." Ezra walked over to me. "Here." He helped me up. "Th-th-thanks." "No problem but please come with us your too weak to do anything." "Ok fine." I went with him and I rested in bed. I was asleep for a few hours until I woke up and opened the door. I saw Ezra and the crew to the left and the exit to the right. I mumbled to myself "Sorry Ezra I have to go". I walked to the right. Ezra saw me and followed. Just then someone approached me. A sith.

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