Chapter 14: Sorrow

Start from the beginning

"Real men don't cry..." I pulled him back for another hug

"Man or woman... We are human and we have feelings we must express in order to feel better" I rubbed his back "let it out... Please" he gripped on the back of my shirt to sob on my shoulder "it's time for you to return... So that Link can stop holding in his anger and frustration and just relax" He looked back at me

"Keep me close... But please take me back until we're alone... I won't show anyone else my real tears besides you" I blushed a little.

"What are you talking about, Sorrow? You're always crying all the dang time and happy! You're the most bipolar person I have ever met!" I looked at Link the Goron surprised


"Yes. I'm his best friend, I know him better than anyone! He's often sad about everything, but there are times when he's happy. But I'm a little confused about your conversation..." I smiled and took Sorrow to create him to a piece "w-where he go!?"

"He's going back to the hero... You see, Sorrow was a piece of Link's heart. Thank you for taking care of him for me" he nodded happily "I must be going now!" I did everything I had to do around the place. I took out my ocarina, played the Bolero of fire and made it to the pedestal in front of the entrance of death mountain. Walking in to see the lava, I felt someone staring at me.

Turning around, I saw Sheik staring at me. I frowned and faced her, or him as a alter ego... "Sheik..." Her eyes softened from their sharp stare

"You know who I am... But we never even spoken. I'm sure the hero of time told you about me?" I didn't say anything. She looked at the lava "you came here very quickly... By using the song that was created by friendship. Friendship that grows over time, and a feeling in the heart that becomes even stronger over time..." She walked closer to me "the passion of friendship will soon blossom into a righteous power, and through it, you will know which way to go" she closed her eyes, looking down "but you already know where to go... I have found out your secret" my eyes widened "of you returning the pieces of the Triforce back to Link, even if you never known him when you first started. That takes heart... You seem to know everything, even the songs that only the royal family may know... The warping songs that can be used by holders of those who were touched by the goddesses in ancient times"

"W-what..?" What is she talking about? "how do you know about the pieces..? I never told anyone but Link about the Triforce of courage" she turned away

"Because I was in your house when you told him" I gasped "it was the time you returned as a adult... I found you walking with Link to that very house... I followed and over heard your conversation. You hold a very strong heart... And such power within your body. You know things that no one could know. I've been wondering if you know who I am" her eyes softened more before backing away

"You..." I reached my hand to reach for her, but she used a Deku nut to make herself disappear. Frowning that she just left like that, I had to focus on finding Link... This Moon song's frost won't stay on forever

I remember giving Link his hook shot and he got a fairy bow from the forest temple, so he shouldn't have too much trouble getting around.

"Link... You're such an idiot" going to a fight when he doesn't know he has all his supplies. I hope he found himself some stupid bombs. The entrance was just up ahead. I could see Link fighting a large dragon that looked like the dragon from the cave paintings in Goron city

Link looked weak from my view point. What did he do to himself?! Not only is he badly burned, but he's pale beyond what he looked like back when we were staying in Kokiri Forest! I groaned and ran over towards him, which may not be the best idea, but I had to

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