End Note

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'That year was a turning point for me. I found that the place I'd been longing for all along was the home I already had, it was my heart that needed to accept it.

Toby Whitney was driven off our land as soon as he could ride, and we have not seen him since. We heard that someone fitting his description was shot rustling cattle the next county over.

Al Baily continues to work for our family, and we still heartily dislike one another. He no longer calls me squaw, and I have ceased referring to him as a pig, but the animosity is still there, although now I look back and think we began to like fighting with each other. We resented the respect we felt toward the other, and it showed in regular flares of temper. He turned out to be an honest man and a hard worker, albeit very rough around the edges.

Nettie Sadler was properly courted by then wed to Abel Farnon, a young lawyer from the east who purchased the Hayes place after Angus' unexpected death. Pneumonia snuffed out his life, and Mrs. Hayes did not want to keep the ranch. She took Sammy and Violet to live with relatives in Missouri. Nettie had a beautiful baby girl the following spring, and now has three more children.

Rose turned into a beautiful young lady with more suitors than Mamma and Frank knew what to do with. Fortunately, my little sister was less interested in boys and more interested in learning, and she eventually took over being the schoolmarm for Hazel Keaton. Her knowledge of Indian culture and history is unbiasedly taught in her class.

As for me? I live my life in peace, like a rock set amidst the chaos and activity of a churning river. Mamma often marvels as how calm I've become, and comments often that she would like to know my secret. I tell her the secret is simple to learn, but hard to practice, for it is true acceptance of oneself, but I cannot take all the credit.

Wind Runner did survive the raid by the soldiers, and had indeed come in search of me. Frank and I found him malnourished and sick, and when we brought him home to heal fully, he stayed. My father gave him a piece of land on our family ranch, and we live there, and have since we married. He helps with the work of riding the range, and over time has come to fit in well with my family. My husband is a fine hunter who provides well, and we live mostly off the land, a life to which I am well suited and thoroughly enjoy.

Our children run freely between our comfortable lodge, the Colter and Farnon houses, playing, laughing, growing, and loving, and I soak up every precious moment of their lives. A part of me is envious of their carefree innocence, for they were freely given what it took me years to acquire. Wind Runner often reminds me it was the trials I faced that made me into the woman who holds his heart. I tell him it was not the challenges that made me so, but the men who raised me, the noble warrior Napayshni, and my white father Frank Colter. Without either of them, I would doubtless be lost among the savage.'

~ Kimimela

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