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"Jaynie!" her voice echoed across the empty snow, and I turned, waiting for Nettie to catch up. Her skin was dark against the background of white, emphasizing her rich color.

"How moosh kay, Nettie," I grinned slightly, letting her hook her arm through mine. Trudging along side by side, we plowed through the knee high snow together.

"Is that Indian speak?" Her expression was warm, so I nodded.

"Yes, it means good morning, or hello."

"Oh. Well, hi!" That easy, friendly smile never faltered. I couldn't help but shake my head at her persistently cheerful attitude, and be grateful for it.

"How is your family?"

"Oh, we's doin' just fine," she dismissively rolled her eyes, smiling. "Tell me 'bout Rose! What's she like?"

"Quiet," I told her softly. "She sleeps, and eats, and watches, but rare is it she makes any noise, even to cry."

"She must be two weeks old now. You like her alright?" Nettie glanced at me, shivering slightly. My nod was affirmative.

"She always smiles when she sees me." Swallowing, I looked furtively around then stopped walking. It had been weighing on me, this clandestine wish, and I wanted to share with my best friend. "I have something to tell you."

"What?" She recognized my guarded tone. "Is it a secret?"


"Tell me." Her eyes were huge, sparkling with energy. Searching her face, I hesitated only for a moment.

"I met someone...someone like me." I could tell she didn't quite understand.

"Like you? You mean a half breed?"

"No, a boy. He is my people, my blood."

"Really? An Indian?" Suddenly she was excited for me, her fingers banding tightly around my arm. "Did he know your pa- I mean, your family?"

"Yes, and..." I leaned closer to her, lowering my voice to a whisper. "He wants me to go back, to live with our people."

"What!" She was truly shocked, staring at me in unmasked alarm. "You're leaving?"

"No...I...I want to though." Biting my lip nervously, I tried to explain. "I have promised to stay with Mamma until I'm grown, but after that-? Nettie, I could go home! Do you understand what that means to me? Home, Nettie, back to my own people."

"It's just...I thought we were your people," her voice faded as disappointment clouded her features. "You ain't happy here, Jaynie?"

"Nettie," I hadn't expected her reaction. "I am happy, mostly, but this life...this isn't mine it's Mamma's. My life was with the people of my father. I am Yanktonai."

"And white," she reminded me softly, hopeful. "White folks belong with other whites, don't they? Your ma, and pa, and baby sister...what about them?"

"I do not know." Honestly I admitted that to myself. Suddenly Nettie smiled, throwing her arms around my shoulders.

"Just promise me, if you decide to go away, we'll still be friends."

"Always," bashfully, I briefly returned her hug. "We will always be friends-."

"How sweet!" the scathing tone cut through the chilly air ahead of us. "A slave an' a savage!"

Looking that way, I felt my temper flare hot staring at the freckled face of Sammy Hayes. Nettie's gentle grip on my hand squeezed as she jumped away, startled.

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