My eyes opened wide and I lifted myself off the bed, breathing heavily as I placed one hand over my chest, feeling my unsteady heartbeat. A sharp pain in my head, caused me to bite my tongue to prevent myself from screaming. I lowered my head to my hands and closed my eyes as I took a deep breath.

I felt someone's arm on my thigh and I slowly turned my head to look at Harry's figure lying on the bed beside me. The blanket had slipped down to his waist, exposing his naked torso. His lips were slightly parted as soft snors escaped his mouth. He looked peaceful while sleeping and I couldn't help myself from reaching out and caressing his cheek. My fingers took a piece of hair that had fallen in front of his face and placed it behind his ear.

"Promise me that you won't turn your back on me, again. Promise that you won't let me go." I whispered, cupping his face with my hands and forcing him to look at me. I wanted him to remember this moment, when everything would come crashing down. I wanted him to know that what I was feeling for him was real. That this moment we shared was real for me.

"I promise." he said and I kissed him lightly on the lips. He moaned into the kiss. I closed my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder. Our naked bodies pressed against each other, becoming one.

Another image flashed in front of my eyes and I groaned, shaking my head as I pulled my hand away from Harry. I couldn't understand what was happening. Where those memories? They looked so real, almost familiar. I could feel his warm touch on my skin, I could hear his deep voice in my ears, it was like I was there with him.

I ran my fingers through my hair and slowly brought my blanket up to my chest, covering my naked body as I wrapped it around me. My body throbbed, ached and felt sore all over, last night was something else. Just thinking about it and the raw passion me and Harry shared made my cheeks turn red with embarrassment. It took me a minute to collect myself and finally get off the bed. My legs were like jelly, barely helping me support myself, and the pain in my head didn't make the situation any better.

I slowly made my way towards the bathroom. I had to take a shower, maybe that would help me a bit.

I shut the door behind me let the blanket fall on the floor around my feet as I went to stand naked under the showerhead. I rubbed my body with soap and turned the shower on. I lifted my head and fixed my head on the ceiling. The water pouring from the showerhead made me blink. I looked down and watched the soap and water running off my body and onto the floor and into the drain.

Then I took a bottle of shampoo that I found next me and put some on the palm of my hand before slowly rubbing it on my hair. I washed it off and closed my eyes as I stood still under the water. The pain had gone away, but the confusion of what I had seen remained. My thoughts were running wild. I had so many questions.

I didn't even know for how long I was standing there, until I finally snapped out of my daze. With a sigh I turned off the tap and took the towel that was hanging on the wall beside me, wrapping it carefully around my body. It was a bit small, but it would do.

When I entered the bedroom again it was empty. Harry was no longer sleeping on the bed and the blanket was lying tangled on the spot where he was previously resting. I looked around me, but he wasn't in the room so I closed the door behind me and walked towards his wardrobe to find something to wear.

As I did that my eyes landed on a picture which was inside a frame and hanging on the wall next to it. It was one of the pictures I had seen that night when he had told me the truth about us. I couldn't control the way my heart reacted as I observed it once again and I tightened my grip around the towel. My thoughts were all over the place, those images that I had seen when I woke up were still fresh and printed in my mind. I loved him, I really did, but there was something off. In each one of those memories I was consumed by fear, guilt and doubt. Why?

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