4. The stagedive saved my life!

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An hour had passed before Kelli's screen illuminated the darkness of my room, I had called my house to be picked up and one of the maids took my call. Her heavy Spanish accent and the static of the house phone didn't mix quite well together and it somehow was decided that she was going to drive.

I have never experienced as much terror than I did in that car. Every turn she made skidded on the pavement, I think we ended up going in a circle twice before actually arriving at the front gate of my house. At the end of all of this she told me a secret, she never got her drivers licence in America.

I was laying on my bed upside down looking at the ceiling when Nikki's phone lit up and vibrated.


Nikki the baby maker - wow, just wow


Me - I said don't judge!

Nikki the baby maker - you could have just changed it to I love Axel

Me - no fucking way. Forget about that, where the hell did you go!

Nikki the baby maker - ......mi casa.....?

Me - but you had to take my purse?

Me - purse*

Me - purse*

Me - fuck!

Me - phone******

Nikki the baby maker - ha! Also yes, I did. I needed to send myself the picture. Oh and sorry, the screen cracked a little bit.

Me - how?!

Nikki the baby maker - I threw it at a wall......

Me - ................

Nikki the baby maker - I'll give it back to you if you come to mine.

Me - your wall?

Nikki the baby maker - my house Nikki....my house.....(sigh)

Me - ok ok fine, don't rub it in my vagina

Me - vagina*

Me - vagina**

Nikki the baby maker - .......uh?


Me - FUCK**!!!1!1!!!1!11!

Nikki the baby maker - I hope your vagina is okay, my address is 30th and Valencia Drive the blue house is mine.

Me - yeah it's perfect thank you for your concern, I'll be there in the vibrator of a humming birds wings.

Me - fuck.


I got off of my bed and over to the door grabbing Kelli's phone and changing my name in her contacts to ' Your Goddess '. I shut the door behind me and asked my butler to drive me to that address instead of Venezuela.

As we neared his street, I checked out his neighborhood. It was nice and quiet, outside of the city in the suburbs. As we entered a cul de sac I spotted the blue house clear as day, it was in the middle and the only colored house. So it pretty much stood out, I liked that it was so different from the rest.

I let Percy drive up to the sidewalk in front of the house, then I got out of the car, walked up the front door rang the door bell. The second I did I heard three young voices inside yell

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