Darcy & Scott

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Darcy lands with an oomph!, having fallen several feet from thin air only to land on her back side.

The last thing she remembers was being at Stark tower, Tony Stark himself having recruited Jane to his private labs before SHIELD could move them around again. It was only their third day there, and already Jane and Stark were butting heads. He hadn't liked the fact that Dr. Foster rigged all her machines to work with little more than duct tape when he was practically showering her with money to buy whatever her heart desired. So as they squabbled near one of Jane's newest creations, in his annoyed anger, Stark kicked the machine which only made it start to whiz and whir more than it was already doing.

Jane yelled, Tony rolled his eyes, and Darcy was suddenly aware of the ominous blue glow that was growing larger and larger as the seconds ticked by. Tony and Jane didn't seem to notice it, Jane being more focused on yelling at Tony some more and Tony being more focused on ignoring the petite astrophysicist in favor of his Stark pad. But when the glow got bright enough that it was practically a bright white, Tony and Jane finally took notice of it and backed away only for Darcy to yell and shove her best friend/boss out of the way.

One second, Darcy was in Jane's new lab and the next she is groaning and sitting up from a forest floor.

"What the..?" She peers down at her hands, grimacing at the small nicks from rocks and the dirt and leaves that are sticking to her hands. She then looks up, eyes taking in the fact that she's landed in the middle of the woods just right before night fall. "Oh, goddammit, Jane!" She stands to her feet, rights her beanie atop her head, the glasses on her face and then looks towards the heavens. "If you sent me back into the past and I die out here, I'm gonna haunt you 'til the end of days, woman!"

An amused snort from her right gains her attention, her head snapping in that direction only to find a wall of people standing there. There's a redheaded female in a dress and heels carrying a bat wrapped in barbed wire, and a decently tall and lithe pale male carrying an identical weapon as he grins in Darcy's direction. Another female stands next to him, dark hair cropped a little passed her chin and aiming a bow and arrow somewhere over Darcy's head. And while teenagers carrying around weapons such as these should really make her question her safety, she's more concerned about the seven other furry guys and girls sporting claws and glowing eyes.

The orange, blue and yellow eyes are trained on her, but it's the set of red eyes that has her feeling a bit uneasy since he's slowly approaching her.

"Is time traveling a thing now?" Dude with red eyes asks and wow, those are some sharp teeth.

"D-depends," she weakly gulps. "What year is it?"

His words to her should have made her realize just who is it she's speaking with since she's always tracing his words along her collar bone, but nothing clicks. To the stranger, however, he blinks once, then twice and once again before a dopey grin breaks out across his face.

"You know, when my soulmate saw this for the first time," he gestures to his face, "I always figured she'd go running and screaming."

Darcy weakly nods, his words slowly sinking in before her eyes go wide. "Holy shit, dude, you're him! You're my-"

"Uh, Scott?" The tall, lanky pale kid carrying a bat interrupts. "Super happy for you and what not, but enemy pack standing less than ten yards behind your soulmate's back, remember? Save the heart eyes for later."

Her soulmate's grinning one second and then frowning the next as he looks passed her shoulder. Wondering exactly what's going on, Darcy turns around and gasps. There's yet another wall of people behind her, but all these eyes are blue with the exception of the one set of red. They snarl and roar when she sees them, she stumbling a few steps back before she trips and ends up on her ass yet again.

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