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i sat in Styxx's lap. my face was red. it was unavoidable. i was forced to ware the traditional coronation dress. it came in many colors, but i wasn't allowed to pick. they put me in a satin red  dress that complemented the light mocha complexion i had. the dress looped around my neck, cupping my chest perfectly, while  underneath, and around my back. it crossed again back around under my belly button then covered up like panties. a thin sliver veil like skirt  feel like mist to the floor. you couldn't tell it it was really fabric or mist. when  the light hit it, it glittered. i felt like i was a walking disco ball. it was like wearing nothing but ribbons. i hated it. and the  marks that Styxx left behind wasn't helpful either.

Styxx was very happy with his self. he had on black pants and a bloody white boa draped over him. no shirt, so his body was free to show everyone. he was so muscular. so perfect, and not marked, other then the tattoo on his right arm. it looked like ink mixing  in water. it ran down his whole arm. as lords and ladies came up and bowed, i glared at Styxx. i  only looked at the demons when they asked me to take their sacrifice, which was a single drop of blood. that i had to eat.  one i particularly i enjoyed. the blood of a dragon demon. i wanted to eat him, and he would have let me if Styxx didn't stop me. the blood was like some bonding but more along the lines of master and slave.

"Silence, you cant just do that." Styxx scolded me. "you have to learn how to control your self, regardless of what it it. if it be hunger, lust, or fear." we glared at each other. i ran my newly formed claws down his chest. he grunted, but didn't  move. he was very pissed though. "what was that for." he spoke tight lipped.

"all these marks you left on me. telling me that i need to control my self. you cant stop your self from marking me up as if i was a fucking connect the dots picture." i growled. "maybe you should learn to take your own advise." he glared at me then smiled.

"i have control. if i didn't, then i would have done this a long time ago." he pulled me into his chest, trapping me. his blood smeared all over my face. i bit him. "ow, that hurts." he used his legs and pulled mine open. his fingers slipped under neath my pantie line.

"NO!" i screamed. he pushed his fingers inside. my body trembled as he wiggled around inside me. it only took seconds for me to peak. he pulled out and laughed.  i dug my claws in his chest. he grunted. i licked the old claw mark. my body rose in temperature. the room got really hot. i looked up at Styxx. he fell into a trance. i let go of his chest took the hand he fingered me with . i licked up his palm, then took in his fingers, slowly. sucking them hard.  he moaned. "Styxx.... take me, now." i demanded. he couldn't fight me.

"AAAAND! now is the time that big brother steps in before the rest of us turn into charcoal." i was yanked from Styxx. "damn girl, don't you know that in order for him to marry you, he isn't allowed to sleep with you? its against the rules. once its official, the guy isn't allowed to fuck you, or he isn't allowed to marry you." i looked up at the man that was talking Stolas. "all better?"

"yeah..." i sat up. "damn... i feel like a whore..."

"nah, its normal. most girls do this, its also very common among transforming half demons. it helps easy the pain." my dad spoke. "we need to hurry up and wed you, or you might end up eating him." he smiled. "but that might not be a bad thing." 


i returned to earth shortly after that. it turns out that the whole sexually frustrated whore thing was caused because i was in hell. the atmosphere made my demon side go mad. they sent me back to earth, in hopes to calm me down. seeing as i cant marry Styxx (even after i fought) until July, 6th, its best i don't go wild. so it leaves me here, in this shit hole of a house that i was called anything but my home. but i wasn't alone.

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