Rule 2) Styxx word is law... unless your Slilence, then just cry

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it was Thursday, the day after Jimmy Allens funeral. it was all somber in the house as they tried to pretend to care about his death. i had locked myself in my room. the day before i had told Styxx that i might not go to school and just stay home. he had yelled at me, trying to threaten me into coming to school... lets just say, it didn't really have the effect that he wanted. in the end he gave up and said that i would regret it when i saw him. it was now a quarter past nine, and i haven't seen him. there was no more sun in the sky from where i was.

i heard the front door come in. i had a faint idea who would be stupid enough to do that. Styxx busted into my room his pale face was red with anger.

"someone is pissed, whats wrong?" my heart raced. i liked his mad face when he didn't try to kill someone. Styxx took long strides and grabbed me on the base of my neck, where my head connected. both hands gripped me. our lips crashed together. there was cold lust on his tongue as he forced it in my mouth. i didn't fight him. his kisses are what i live for know. he bit my lip, making a little blood trickle down. the mix in our mouths only made the kiss that much more intense.

he pushed us over on my bed. Styxx hand ran down my back, and lifting my hips to his. he was on his knees, so he wouldn't crush me. i was slightly annoyed he didn't crush me. i wrapped my legs around his waist. a bulge on his crutch began to grow. he started to grind on me. jolts of pleasure ran up my body. i moaned. Styxx kissed down my neck. my fingers tangled in his hair. he ripped my shirt off. still he kissed down my body. 

"Styxx... stop... im not ready..."

"its ok." was all he said. i had a feeling that he was planing on going all the way without caring if i wanted it or not. he sat up, pulling me with him. all at once, my mind raced. his tongue hit the sensitive skin of my nipple. pressure came down, sending waves of pleasure, as he bit me. i let out a loud scream like moan. there was plenty of times that i had my nipples bit, Ryan does it all the time. just for kicks of my reaction. but when Styxx did it, it was not the same. it was way more intense. "are you ok?"

i was now clutching on to his head. my body was trembling. it felt so good it was scary. tears ran down my face. i looked through my tears at Styxx.

"p-p-please stop... i cant take it any more." my voice was trembling uncontrollably. Styxx looked at me for a moment, contemplating his next move. my body waited for his verdict. if he kept going, surely i will be lost in his passion, and be his forever. if he stopped now, i might have a chance to run in the future. a sly grin filled his lips as an evil glint in his eyes showed me all my desires. he decided. 

once again, his mouth ended up on my nipple, sucking, and biting. he switched to the other one, leaving marks behind. all i could do was hold onto him, and moan. even though it was all normal things he was doing to me, it felt so good. my heart raced, wandering what it would feel like if he tied me up and hurt me just a little. as if he read my mind, he bit down on my boob hard. my body reacted before i could form the sounds. i had almost completely climaxed from a single bite.

"oh, how nice." he dropped me on the bed. my pants came off. "mmm... how pretty. white looks really nice on you." Styxx played with the rim of my panties. "its a shame their coming off." his fingers began to trace up and down the delicate line of my lower half. 

"n-no!" i grabbed his hand. it didn't slow him down in the least.

"why?" he laughed. his hands still moving as easily as it was before. "it feels so good, or do you want me to really touch?" 

"no-" his fingers slipped under my panties. i yelped. my hands clamped over my mouth. i couldn't do anything but muffle my moans as he made me feel good. the last thing i wanted was someone to come in. Styxx really knew what he was doing. every movement made me want more.

"your so wet. are you almost ready?" Styxx smile was dripping desire. he wanted to enter me. more tears fell. i wasn't sure if they were joy or fear. "shh, its fine. lets check how wide you are, it wont hurt i promise." with that, he pushed a finger in. my breath caught. the infiltration was odd. i felt my body shift to make room. a silent whimper came from my throat. "tsk, tsk." he shook his head pouting. "this wont do at all. your so small." a grin brightened his face, "at this rate, i will rip you! oh well! lets see how many more i can fit in."

another finger pushed in, sliding in and out. my body shifted more. i let out wheezing pants. Styxx laughed at my sounds. he pushed in a third finger. the pain was blissfully sweet. i let out a sound that was crossed between a whine and a whimper. my body climbed higher into ecstasy. he moved faster inside me, making it harder for me to understand what was happening. the jolts and shock of everything made my legs shut.

"no, you cant do that." he laughed as he pulled his fingers out. i watched him, dazed. Styxx licked the fingers he had violated me so sweetly with. "ah, sweet. the beautiful taste of a virgin." he said with a husky seductive laugh. "a taste i will soon miss." he pulled my legs apart. "ready or not, here i co-" a phone began to ring. Styxx paused. it was his. i knew if it was anyone not important, he wouldn't have noticed, but the ring tone was different from the normal ones. he sighed and let me go.

"hello?" he was pissed, "why the fuck are you..." his face went from angry red, to ghostly white. "how did you..." it was almost written on his face. Styxx was in trouble. "no... not yet... of course... i do, this is the one i want... no there is no one better... i understand but... yes... yes... yes.... yes... yes...yes.... yes, ok... right now?... but I'm... how far?... only that much?... can i- no i can con-... yes... yes... yes... yes... yes... ok... yeah... alright.... ok... bye... no I'm not saying that.... because I'm not a kid anymore!... fine... bye." he hung up.


"come on, your getting dressed. pack a bag for a week or to. we are going out of town." he walked around my room looking for a suitcase. "my family wants you to come with us. it seems they are dying to meet you." Styxx was very pissed. "hurry up." he glanced at me. "whoa! whats wrong? why the hell are you crying?" he took a few step's closer to me.

"your an ass hole! you didn't ask me if i wanted to do that!" i cried. "i never let anyone do the things you just did!" 

"oh shut up!" he ordered. "god damnit! shut the fuck up! my words are law!" i hushed for a moment. his words were law. what did that make mine? was i just his fuck toy? i began to cry harder. Styxx was on edge about this. the stress lines on his face showed that he didn't know what to do. it was simple really. apologize. all types of expressions rainbow-ed on his face. "shit..." he pulled me in his arms. "what do i have to do to make you stop?" i sniffed.

"promise me that you wont do that again until I'm ready?" i looked at him. my eyes overflowing with more tears. he looked away, pissed. Styxx was uncomfortable. 

"fine i promise!"

"cross your heart and hope to die?"

"what the fuck? yes, yes, if it makes you happy!"

"swear that no matter what that you will never ever ever ever go back on your word."

"shit women!" he began to sweat. "i, Styxx Dybbuk, swear in the life of my... god, that if i brake this promise i will allow you to chop off my dick as a way to amend." he crossed his heart with his right hand. i smiled.

"good! i didn't think i would be able to hold that act for much longer!" i got up and retrieved the suitcase under my bed. "oh, and by the say, thanks for that last little part. don't go back on your word!" Styxx sat there, astonished. 

"you tricked me? why?" i smiled as i packed.

"because, i don't plan on losing my virginity any time soon, and so you will keep your hands off me when i don't want you to touch me like that." i pulled on a shirt and some jeans. "ok, come on, mister-my word is law!- we have places to go!" Styxx smiled.

"oh, i can promise you will regret this." i stuck my tongue out at him. 

"not anytime soon."


grrr, soooo not my best chapter. =.= and that is soo not my strong point. plz let me know what you think, and any tips you may have to help me write... things like that better! thanx for reading!

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