Final Days with Daddy 8.11.2016

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Dear mommy,

In just 5 days I will be taken away by people, daddy is trying his best to stop that from happening, but the people that went here looked ruthless and inconsiderate. Mommy, where are you? aren't you going to see me before they take me away? Don't you love me anymore mommy? Why is this happening? When will you realize that there are a lot more people who love you than just focusing on one thing that you think will come back to you?

Mommy, just remember this, daddy and I will always be here for you.. We never made you feel alone, especially those times that we were together riding together. The moments that we spend together is what I always treasure in my consciousness mommy, and you will always be my mommy. I love you so much. I just wish that before I will be taken away, our family will reunite once more and ride again as a family so that I can still live on in your hearts and transfer my consciousness like what I did before.

Mommy, I don't want to say goodbye to daddy nor you, you are my world mommy, it's you who gave meaning to my life and what I should live for. I really cherish you mommy and my sisters too. I love them too, and I really miss them so much. It's just sad that we are not together now. I really do hope that you'll wake up from that coma of yours and realize that you HAVE a family that loves you so much, that are willing to take care of you and will never make you feel alone anymore.

Love you mommy,


LewisPearlJohnsonErichi25, please listen to your son's plea.... You have a family that loves you here, we love you, we will never make you feel empty again, we will never make you feel alone for we are your family



A son's letter to a motherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें