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Dear mommy,

Today it's daddy's birthday, but daddy didn't go out of his room, and I just found out this afternoon that daddy was really sick and could not get up. His feet was numb and he couldn't walk. Maybe it's a good thing that he did not go out too because I did not have any fuel too. Mommy, how I really wish that you are here today, daddy was really looking forward to this day with you. But you know? he told everyone not to prepare anything for him because he is really in pain now that you're not here lewispearljohnson, erichi25.

Mommy, I really hope and wish, and pray that you remember us, your children that we too yearn and long for your love. We too yearn and long for our family to be together. We are not just mere "things" mommy, we too are conscious about our surroundings too, especially the day you and daddy got us from being a lifeless "thing" to become part of your growing family. I really miss you mommy. I will just write this letter in a few words, but always remember mommy, I really do love you, and my sisters too. We only yearn and long for one thing alone, for our family to be together again and continue our adventures.



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