In the past few days 7.30.2016

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Dear mommy,

I haven't done any letters in the past few days because I was really busy taking care of daddy. He always breaks down and cries after his classes (work) and he can't even teach English to N.E.S.T. Because he is so depressed because of what happened. Some are telling him to move on, but daddy is not like that. He doesn't just move on especially when he feels that there's the need to fight for it. He can outlast anybody actually and daddy is not a quitter. He never quits until something is fixed. Daddy really is somewhat a person who fix things that doesn't really need to be thrown away.

Mommy, I still long for our family to be reunited. I really need you mommy, especially now that daddy's condition is getting worse. He may not tell it to anyone, but I know what he exactly he is feeling. Mommy, I don't want a broken family. Please, consider us, your children before you say you don't want daddy anymore, because it's what daddy always wanted, a family that's whole. Daddy lost his family already once, and I know what happened, because I was there, and I was the one that got daddy away from the pain and suffering, now it seems that my purpose is actually wearing him down even more because I am a brand new vehicle on which daddy built his dreams around you, and me... Mommy, please.. have a heart... I really miss my sisters too, all of them to be honest, and I am not just some motorcycle mommy, I too am conscious like you and daddy, but I also long for a family that is whole and happy, just like when daddy got me, you were so excited to go around and travel places.. You were so excited to drive around where you haven't been before, and actually daddy was planning to take you where you wanted to go when he got his licence plate.

Mommy, please, I really need you, daddy needs us more than ever. We have been together all these years mommy, and you have seen daddy on his lowest of lows, and he really needs not just me, but you as well. Mommy, he wasn't just playing around you, he was actually doing all the stuff needed for you two to get married, talking to a lawyer, especially to Atty. Pantaleon asking about how to get what he needs to get you and daddy to be married through all means necessary, through court, church and even the ceremonies that he was actually planning to have for you and him, and I was actually excited to finally have a family, but all that is broken. Mommy, please, reconsider.. I love you so much, and there's no one I will love again but you mommy, it's you who I need because you are the only one who loved me for what and who I am, just like you did to my sisters.


Midnight =^:3^=

PS, I love you lewispearljohnsonerichi25 so much..

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