Chapter Nineteen

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"Everything will be okay" Vince said. Everything will be okay? Really is it that simple. I don't blame him, he has no idea how it feels to always get hurt by people you love.
I just kept quiet and sobbed uncontrollably on his shoulder. Why would Philip cheat on me?

I cried until everything around me began to fade.
".... If only you know how much I love you. Goodnight jade. "
I heard Vince say something but my brain was pretty slow at interpreting so I just closed my eyes and allowed sleep take over.

I woke up in the middle of the night to find something to eat. I made pancakes and sat down to eat my pancakes on the kitchen Island. I tried my best not to think of Philip and what had happened earlier.
When I had finished my Pancakes I dropped the plates and headed for the couch. It was then I realized Vince was in my apartment.. I did not want to wake him up so I decided to go back to bed.
"Hey, cupcake"
Okay, so I tried not to wake him up but failed.
"Hey Vince, I didn't know you were here"
"It's fine, come here."he said tapping the spot next to him..
I sat down and faced him cross-legged.
"I had pancakes. Do you want some?"
"No, I'm fine" he paused and continued
"How are you now?"
"I'm..." I couldn't lie, I wasn't fine. Tears began to fall freely from my eyes.
"Oh please stop. I hate seeing you like this. I hate Philip for making you feel this way... I'm sorry"
"I will be fine" I wiped my tears
Vince pulled me closer and hugged me. I felt eased, the hug was so comforting..

I woke up to the bleeping of my phone. I had no idea who was calling me by eight in the morning, I picked my phone to find 2 calls and 4 messages from Philip. What does he want?
I opened the messages

Phil❤:Hey babe. Good morning. I Miss you love.
Phil❤:You're not picking up my calls. Are you okay?
Phil❤: Sleepy head! You've had enough sleep babe. Wake up!
Phil❤: I'm coming over.

Seriously? What the fuck? 'I miss you love. 'Why are guys like this?
I stood up and blinked my eyes and tried not to cry. I joined Vince in the kitchen, Philip would be here any time soon what would he think? Who cares?!

"Hey ba.. " waoh! What's happening here? Why is he here?
" why are you here?" I asked him emotionlessly
"I'm here for you babe"
"Oh okay, let me get this straight... You were with her yesterday, it's my turn today? Great"
"What are you talking about?"
Okay so he's acting innocent now?
"Philip.. Just go please" I said and left for my room.
I heard voices from outside my door but I didn't care what was going on..

How could he? I loved him, I thought he was my prince charming, we were okay.. Everything was perfect why did he ruin it... I hate him, I hate guys, I hate heart breaks, I hate relationships.

Hey, Okay so I promised, here's the update. What do you think? Oh yea, Philip broke my heart too ;).. Okay bye

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