Chapter Eighteen

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Yay! We made it to 1k.. I'm sorry I'm updating this late...

This chapter is not edited.

Two months with Philip Anderson and everything seemed to be perfect. I wanted nothing more, he made me feel like a princess, I had no doubt about him being my prince charming. He told me all I ever wanted to be told, called me in the morning and late at night...

I was reminiscing what had happened earlier between Philip and I, I didn't even realize I was smiling.
"Jade!" I looked up to find Stephanie standing in front of my desk, it was then I felt the pain on my checks. That's what you get from smiling too much.
"Hey babe, what's up?" I asked still smiling uncontrollably. Yh, that's one of the numerous effects Philip has on me.
"What were you thinking about.. Gosh you need help" Stephanie rolled her eyes.
"I was just.. Erm.. You know" I shrugged.
"Yh, I know you were just thinking about Philip Anderson, just be careful babe. I'll see you latter." she said and turned to leave
"Bye Steph" I said as I dragged out some papers and scanned through them. While scanning through the papers I remembered that I had to drop something on Vince's desk ... Damn it, why is Philip off today. I got up, and walked towards Vince's table, just when I was about thanking God he wasn't there I heard him call my name.
"Oh, hi Vince.. I wanted to drop this" I said stretching out the file I had in my hand.
"Okay. Thank you. Look jade we need to talk"
Oh no, not again. "About?"
"About us jade. I'm not who you think I am, I've been with different girls but I have never felt this way for a girl. I just need a chance,nothing more. Please... " he looked serious.
"Erm, Vince you're attracting attention." I said embarrassed
"I'm sorry jade but I won't stop unless you give me a chance to take you out tonight so we can talk"
"okay, fine. What time?" Really jade? 'what time?' my subconscious said clearly displeased. But I had no choice, I didn't want to attract everyone's attention.
"8 O'clock?"
"Okay then"
"Thank you so much jade."
I said nothing, passed him the file and left.

"Are you crazy? You want to go out on a date with Vince when you're with Philip. That's insane Jade" Stephanie didn't take things easy when I told her about my conversation with Vince. She literally shouted every word into my ears. What do you expect? A Pat on your back?

"Chill, it's not a date. We just want to talk. That's all" I knew there was nothing I would say to convince steph but I had to say something.
"Really?" Steph said whilst rolling her eyes.
"I promise Steph, we'd just talk"
"Okay fine" Stephanie said as she hugged me, grabbed her bag and left. I tried reaching Philip but I couldn't, So I decided to tell him later.

"Ready?" Vince asked me as soon as I opened the door.
He looked elegant as usual. I couldn't stop myself from smiling, the smile on his face was contagious.
"yes" I said as I placed my hand on his stretched out hand.
We walked quietly to the car. The drive was a quite one.
"I'll help you with the door." I did not even notice the car stop.

Vince helped me sit down when we got to the table and dragged out a seat gracefully to sit, he looked so at ease with himself. How does he do it? Here I am, all gawky.. I can't even move my own legs from A to B perfectly, I envy him.
"penny for your thoughts?"
I flushed. Oh I was just thinking about how perfect you are.
"Oh, sorry. I was thinking this place is good " I lied.

" Yes it is"
I looked up and what I saw broke my heart. I felt my heart breaking into pieces, could this be really happening? Were my eyes deceiving me? ..
"No! this can't be happening" I screamed and stormed out of the restaurant. I had no Idea where I was going, I just knew the last place I wanted to be was in that restaurant.. That restaurant, where I just saw my boyfriend, my supposed prince charming kissing another girl.

I stood in front of Vince's car confused, I heard footsteps behind me, I could tell it was Vince..
"I'm sorry jade, let me get you home"

I promise I'd try and update soon... Bye 😘

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