~Chapter One~

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Author's note So I unpublished this for a while to do some editing so yeah... That's all. I freaking hate this story but I was like, screw it, I'll republish it. So here ya go.

Steven always thought that Prince James was gorgeous in the morning.

His dark hair would be ruffled against his pillow, the sunlight would be illuminating his face as it peaked out beneath the curtains. The lack of proper lighting would cast shadows over his bare shoulders that poked out beneath the duvet, giving him a more brooding look than the one he already sported.

Steven felt privileged that he was the first person to get to see Prince James in the morning.

He was the first that got to appreciate his Master's beauty.

His movements precise, Steven carefully laid the young Prince's clothing on the end of his bed. He moved to the side of the Prince's bed and cleared his throat. "Your Highness? "

The Prince stirred beneath his embroidered duvet, but gave no signal of waking up.

Steven sighed. He hated waking his master up. "Master? It's seven o'clock, the time you asked me to awaken you at. "

Prince James lazily smacked his lips together, slowly opening his eyes. He sat up, the duvet falling off of his shoulders, revealing his bare chest.

Steven turned his eyes to the lavishly carpeted floor, repressing a blush from creeping into his face.

The Prince smiled a his servant. "Thank you, Steven. I see you've laid out my clothing. I expect you will be delivering my breakfast shortly? "

The small servant nodded immediately. "Yes, Your Highness, I'll get it right away." He scurried out of Prince James's bedchamber, his small feet taking him into the kitchen.

He smiled at the cook, Peggy, who was always kind to Steve.

Peggy smiled in return as she handed him a China tray filled with exquisite foods, which Prince James only ate about half of.

"How are you today, Steven? "She asked, as she slipped him a grape off of the fruit bowl that sat on the counter.

Steven graciously popped the sweet fruit in his mouth, savoring every bite. "I'm very well, Peggy, and yourself? "

She nodded.. "Quite well. "

Steven nodded as he hurried back to his Master's room, his hands carrying the heavy tray. He fumbled with the door knob to the Prince's bedroom, trying to open the door and not drop the tray.
He balanced the tray in one arm, struggling due to his skinny body and the weight of the tray, and managed to open the bedchamber door.

Prince James lay in his bed, his body propped up by two fluffy pillows, his waist and legs covered by the duvet.

Steven laid the tray on the bedside table, making sure to keep his eyes off of his Master's bare chest just inches away from him.

"Anything else, Your Highness?" Steven asked, keeping his eyes to the floor.

"Sit down, Steven." The Prince ordered, his voice kind but commanding.

Steven gulped, then hesitantly knelt down beside his Master's bed.
He tucked his legs beneath him, so he was on his knees. Even then, his skinny body only put his face about two inches taller than the bed.

The Winter's Servant {Stucky AU} COMPLETEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat