Year 12: Colleges, Picnics, and Couples Tattoos

Start from the beginning

Dean wrapped an arm around him. "Well, I feel like half of your misfortune comes from me," Dean chuckled. "but, you'd still crash and burn."

Castiel smiled, opening the door. "I hate you," he grinned.

"Love you, too, Cassie." Dean grabbed his hand, leading him behind the playground where a large picnic was waiting for them. The blanket was bigger than you'd think, and Dean brought actual dishes, instead of his usual paper plates that would fly away in the chilling breeze. "I'm so cliche, aren't I?"

Castiel smiled, looking up, leaning in, and pulling Dean into a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around the taller boy's neck, smiling when Dean was caught off guard in the slightest. He broke away, pressing his forehead against Dean's. "Cliché is perfect, Deany."

Dean laughed, bringing out the food, and chuckling as Castiel picked at the leftover Swedish Meatballs. "What?"

"You know what this is missing, Dean?"

"What?" Dean looked concerned, for a moment, as if he felt he had let himself down.

Castiel chuckled, reaching into the basket and pulling out a jar of peanut butter. "I know you so well, don't I?"

"Nothing will tame my love for peanut butter... Or you. Oh, wow, you and peanut butter." Dean almost drooled, staring at Cas as he stuck his finger in the peanut butter so he could eat a sufficient amount of it. Castiel laughed at Dean. He looked mesmerized. His messy hair was just blowing around in the wind, his tired eyes lost at the sight of Castiel.

"Dean." He snapped his fingers in front of the teen.

"Oh," Dean looked down, his expression almost afraid to look Cas in the eye. "Sorry."

"Babe, it's fine." Castiel tilted his chin up, kissing his forehead.

Dean smiled. "Thanks, Angel."

"You know what we should do, Dean?" Castiel's face suddenly brightened, making Dean's naturally look happier. That was just how it worked. It was odd, really, but that was how it was meant to be.


"Get tattoos." Castiel realized how stupid the idea sounded, the minute it left his mouth. He looked down, almost laughing at himself, but to his surprise...

"We totally should!" Dean almost jumped up with excitement. He smiled at Castiel. "That'd be really cool."

"What would you get?" Castiel raised an eyebrow at him. He helped pick up the gigantic picnic and load it into the trunk of Dean's Impala. Castiel just watched him, after that, in silence. He waited for Dean to answer his silly question, but all Castiel got was a quiet, I'll show you.

Castiel couldn't tell if he hated that, or loved it. On one hand, the mystery in Dean's voice was hot, and he meant really hot. That made him all the more attractive. On the contrary, though, it frustrated Cas beyond belief. It made him want to pry. He didn't. Prying wasn't good for Dean, and frustrating him more than he already was would ruin him for good. Castiel loved Dean too much to let that happen. Though Dean tried not to show it, that horrid diagnosis ruined him. The stupid thing was, when he told Castiel, it was just a text message that read, I knew I was crazy. The next time Cas saw him was when he was in the hospital because of his horrible mistake. Dean was suffering as much as he was. He still is. He's told him on many occasions that Castiel was the only reason he hasn't jumped out a window due to his old friend Bartholomew attempting to choke him to death. That was the extent of Dean's panic attacks. Though he never had one that vivid, he did have similar ideas. It kind of put a damper on Castiel's mood, but they stayed together. They were the definition of inseparable, now. Just kids. Just a pair of teenagers that depend on each other for everything. Castiel looked to Dean for happiness, and Dean looked to Cas for sanity. They found sanctuary in each other. It was beautiful.

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