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"I know how much you've always wanted a dog Viv." He smiled, unbuckling my seat for me. My jaw was set open, confused and shocked. "Go pick one out and I'll meet you later. I'm gonna get shopping done for the house."


"I'm serious Violet. Go on. It's for you birthday." I slowly nodded still trying to comprehend what was going on. I've wanted a pet so bad but I couldn't have one around my mom, she hates them and my dad's studio flat is too crammed. He waved to me as I walked up the front step clutching my phone. This was really happening. I'm getting my first pet!

Pushing those glass doors open and hearing the commotion was like music to my ears. Sighing I looked around at all the signs and saw exactly where to go for puppies. I know puppies are hard to handle at first but I can't help but want a dog to grow with. To have a companion that will remember things like I do. Walking into the puppy pavilion I sighed in joy and started scaling the glass cages with dogs. Every single one of them looked amazing, so cute and irresistible. I was having such a hard time choosing. After all this would be the one and only dog I have for who knows how long.

While looking at particular black lab something wet and warm brushed my hand. I looked down to see this gorgeous golden fur dog sniffing my hand. "Allen, no." His owner tugged his leash and he cowers away. "Sorry he's really curious." He's a boy, black curls matching the black bleached jeans he wore. A gentle but aggravated face set with a slight smile. He was rather very attractive I must say.

"No, no it's alright. You're dog is beautiful." I smiled, petting the top of Allen's head as he beat his tail against the boys leg.

"I could say the same about you." He chuckled, making me look away from the dog and at the ground. A gentle blush on the apples of my warm cheeks. "I'm Matty by the way." He stuck his free hand out and tightened his grip on the leash.

"Violet." I took his hand now in a firm grasp and smiled gently.

"So looking for a pup I see?"

"Yeah for my birthday." I went back to looking so I wouldn't have to admire his naturally pleasing complexion. It was such a shame to admit but I wanted to stare, This stranger was so appealing. Whoever is wrapped around his finger must be lucky.

"Oh really, happy birthday." He laughed again. "What kind of dogs do you like anyways? I mean I don't work here but surely I can help." He and his dog trailed behind me and I walked along more dogs.

"I've never actually had a dog before but I would prefer a dog that's kinda small since I'm gonna be in a flat all by myself in the next week. But if I saw a bigger dog that I fall in love with then it's doable." I smiled as I thought about a dog and what my interests were. "How did you find Allen?" My cleared his throat.

"My roommate and I got him as a pup from a woman down my road who breeds dogs. He sat around her house for ages waiting to be taken and no body wanted him so we took him under our wing." His smile seemed to grow as he looked down at the curious dog. He pet his head and Allen reacted by licking his hand gently. From the looks of it this dog was very gentle, calm and curious. hoped mine would be like that. "I actually saw some dogs in the back that I think you'd love. You seem like a pug person...follow me."

I followed and it was a great choice, I feel total bliss once I came to face the beauty in front of me. The glass cage had several puppies all curled in a ball of different breads, sleeping soundly. Some on them on their bellies, some squished up next to another. It was completely heart breaking I couldn't take them all. "I like that one." I pressed my palms against the glass and peered at the small black pugglet sitting on a bed licking his front paws. He was the only one awake.

"Adorable." Matty muttered under his breath with a tender chuckle. Licking his thumb and looking down at the ground shyly. "I figured." He looked back up at me.

"C-can we look at it?" My eyes grew wide at the sight of something so cute, that could be mine.




I watched her eyes light up and her face pull a breath taking stunt. She held her hands out in awe as I placed the small bundle of fur in her hands. There's water peaking at her eyelids. It's a sight to see how in love she was. I even grinned myself. 

"Watching your eyes like that is magnificent." I mumbled while she curled it up to her chest and smiled wider.

Her eyes diverted to me. They glistened. Her smile dropped into a snicker and she tried to cover a cheeky smile. My words affected her. She felt shy. "I like him."Violet smiled back down at him. "Ordon." 

"What?" I questioned.

"Ordon, his name." Her fingertips brushed the tip of the black snot-wet nose. The animal sneezed then later relaxed into her palms.

"Where did you get that from?"

"When I was little I played Legend of Zelda non stop. Twilight Princess, actually. It reminds me of when Link was a wolf, this is how his fur would feel like. He lived in the Ordon Village.The environment in that game is so cool." After her explanation she stood with caution and walked a few steps to me, looking up at me. Offering the pup. "Do you want to hold him?"

I sighed. "U-uh sure." With a gentle hand she let the pug into my own hands and I held him. Violet giggled at me, looked at me through her thick make up less eyelashes. My stomach churned at her dearing jade eyes. If I didn't have a puppy in my hands I'm sure my knees would've buckled. It was like her gaze was pure gratification. I craved to even touch her skin at that moment. But I don't.


I had him somewhere by now. He glanced at me with a blank face that hid shock. Peering at him for one last moment I looked back at the dog in his arms and smiled. I don't remember finding anyone so attractive as himself. Attraction. Evoking interest in desire.

 "Let's get the paperwork." I spoke softly. Grabbing the blanket off the table in the tiny cubicle room I folded it under Matty's arms. His skin was warm. We followed each other to the front desk to return the dog and fill out papers. When it came down to the application I started to forget my personal information. I sent the pen down and bit my lip.

"Matty." I whispered. "I'm recovering from amnesia...I forgot a lot of stuff..." I admitted.

He looked puzzled. "What kind of stuff?"

"Important stuff."

Antichrist [m.h. AU]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя