Chapter 5- Time

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"But daddy I can do you so much better. Haven't I been proving that?" She pleaded.

"You don't understand I own Mia, that bitch is mine and she is never going nowhere." His words caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up and shivers of fright. I never really pay attention to what Thomas was until just now. His cause of his actions wasn't from love, it was from a possessive obsession. I felt like I was having an out of body experience just watching and hearing his interaction with Leah through different eyes. If Thomas really meant what he was saying, then I should be very afraid.

"So what the fuck am I then? Huh? Just some side bitch?" she whined. Thomas chuckled and grabbed her playfully by the neck.

"You're, my bitch too and soon I'll have both my bitches playing nice and with each other for daddy," he said as he then kissed her. He yelped in pain as he pushed her away and spat blood on the floor, due to her biting his lip in-between the kiss.

"No, fuck that... I'm your only bitch. you got that?" She demanded. (Smack) Thomas had slapped her to the ground. Her scream from the result of the slap had overpowered Larry's yell, which in return caused Thomas's ears to miss Larry and I's presents. It took every force in my body as I now placed my hand over Larry's mouth and held him back for dear life not to blow our cover.

"Larry please no," I Shakely whispered in his ear. Larry looked over to evaluate my state of mood, once he realized I was shaking he rubbed my arms and nodded his submission to my pleads.

"She ain't fucking going nowhere bitch. Deal with that shit Leah or fuck you," he yelled while hovering over her, before then deciding to walk away and leaving her on the floor shaking.

"No, wait! I'm sorry daddy," she pleaded with a failed attempt to grab his leg in order to cease his movement. She then followed him finally leaving me and Larry alone.

"Larry I have to go," I said as I set to leave out the back door. Larry then grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Where you going?"

"I got to get out of here Larry," I stated still shaking from the frighten chills Thomas words gave me.

"Oki, I go with you, let me text Lau," he said as he reached for his phone and I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"No! Larry, I got you involved deep enough."

"You go back for be with him?" He asked with such concern as I shook my head frantically.

"Hell no, I just need time to think."

"I non want to leave you yet Mia. I worry for you," he spat. I don't know how anyone could resist Larry especially his eyes.

"Larry, don't you have to perform?"

"I non give a shit about performing for this coward's club. I tell my brother to let's give money back and leave right now."

"No Larry don't do that.... Ok listen let's be smart about this. I'll stay a little longer until you perform. Then after we'll meet here again and then decide what to do, deal?"

"But baby," he rushed confused as I toke note that this was the 2nd time he called me his baby.


"You eye," he said as he gently rubbed again at the tender bruise. "I wanna kick he ass for hurt you like this," I smirked at his protective behavior.

"It's ok babes I can cover it again, now let's go before things get too suspicious."

"You leave him right?"

"Yes, but I have to be smart about this. Thomas is dangerous and I don't want you caught up in this."

FIGHT BY LARRYSJOY23Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu