Chapter Four: Wining and Dining

Start from the beginning

"Hungry?" My eyes met his and I nodded, walking over to where he stood at the table and sitting down. Lucifer tucked me in and moved around the table to sit across from me. The slight breeze blew some of my curls int my face and I reached up to tuck them behind my ear. The table was simply dressed; candle in the middle, wine glasses with an open bottle of wine, covered platters and silverware. It was simple but elegant, much like the man sitting across from me. I lifted the lid from the platter to expose a beautifully laid chicken dish with risotto and roasted asparagus. It smelled divine and I inhaled deeply to appreciate the scent.

"I hope you like chicken." Lucifer said as he poured some wine into my glass. I nodded, "I do. Did you cook?"

"Of course, I wasnt about to have some poor sap do it." I chuckled slightly and picked up my fork, eating a bite of the risotto. I moaned as its heavenly taste filled my senses. Lucifer smirked, "if thats what you sound like with good food, I can only imagine what good sex must sound like." Had I not swallowed a second earlier I would have choked. "Im going to ignore that comment and compliment your cooking. Its excquisite."

"Thank you, darling. Do you cook?" I swallowed another bite, reaching for my glass of white wine and downing a sip, nodding. "I do, although I dont get to cook as much as Id like to living at the dorm. We dont have a kitchen."

"And what are you studying at school?" I couldnt tell for sure but it almost sounded as if he hesitated on the words before he actually spoke them. I hesitated slightly, wondeing if this would be a sore subject as it revelaed how young I was. "English, Id like to become a writer."

"A writer?" This seemed to peak his interest as he leaned forward. His scent filled my nose and I found myself inadvertantly leaning in closer to inhale his delicious scent. Could first date sex really be so bad? I thought, a moment later cringing at my own stupidity.I was smarter than that. Unexperienced, yes, but smart enough to know that for someone who was still a virgin, first date sex was very very bad. "Umm yeah, writing is sort of...a passion of mine." I blushed as a shy smile crept over my features. Lucifer smirked, leaning in. "Oh I do love passion, darling. Its one of the areas in which Im most educated in." What? I thought to myself before shaking my head slightly and eating anther bite of my food.

The evening continued in a similar stride. Casual conversation between bites of food and sips of wine. It seemed like I did most of the talking while Lucifer commented and asked questions. Every now and then he would throw in a cheeky remark that would have my toes curling beneath the table and my mental self slapping me into place. He seemed to be genuinely intetested in all I had to say, although there wasnt quite anything interesting about my life.

I had come from a small family, one brother who was a year younger than myself and a mother and father. My brother was the black sheep in the family and wasnt in any form of post-secondary, just floating from place to place. My parents didnt know what to do with him. He hadnt gotten into any real trouble, although my parents werent surprised if he was brought home by the LAPD every now and then. I, on the other hand, had been the poster child for a well behaved, well mannered student. Never getting into trouble, always home before curfew, always courteous. At mention of this Lucifer just smirked, mumbling "well we all have a darker side. Some just have theirs hidden deep down." It made me feel exposed, almost as if he knew what I had been thinking on and off since I met him.

We finished dinner shortly after, both our plates wiped clean. I dabbed my napkin on my lips, hoping that there wasnt any embarassing food stains on my face. "That was unbelieveably good, thank you." I murmured. Lucifer smiled and nodded, "youre welcome." He stood up, pushing his chair back and offering me his hand. I took it without hesitation, biting my lip as I stood up. Lucifer stared at me for a moment, his eyes noticing the lip caught bewteen my teeth. "Now, for dessert." Dessert? My blood ran cold as I thought about what dessert could possibly mean. There was coffee and there was coffee and knowing Lucifer, his idea of an after dinner treat wasnt something I was likely to have to work off the next day.

He led us back into the penthouse, moving towards the bar where he orered me to sit in a bar stool. I did so reluctantly as he dug around for a specific bottle, finally finding it and pouring the yellow tinged liquid into two glasses. My eyes couldnt help but roam his form once more and I could practically hear my inner darker self cat calling him. Lucifer turned around, handing me a glass. "Thank you," I mumbled, "what is this?" He clinked his glass against mine before taking a sip. "Icewine, I thought you might enjoy something a little sweeter. Most women do." Most women...the thought left a bad taste in my mouth, soemthing that the sweet liquid I had just swallowed couldnt wash away. I frowned slightly, remembering exactly why I wasnt letting myself give in to the ridiculous thought of sleeping with this man. He had obviously been around the block and I didnt want to be just another notch in his already fully notched belt.

I nodded, "oh." I downed the rest of the the glasses contents. Lucifer frowned, moving around the bar to stand next to me. "What are you thinking about?" I shrugged, my eyes wandering over to the beautiful piano he had sitting in his living space. "Nothing really...just personal things..."

"Your desire for me?" My head snapped up instanty, my brows raising. "What?"

"Oh come on, love, admit it. Tell me you desire me and we can get a move on, I wont keep you waiting any more."

"Desire you? In what world did you think I desired you? And what do you mean by keep me waiting?" I was slightly appalled as his presumptious assumptions and slightly embarassed about how on the money he might have been. But did I desire him? Desire is too strong a word, I thought, Im just entertaing thr thought of what it might be like to sleep with you. Lucifer looked taken aback, almost as if he thougt he had been right about what I was thinking. "I dont understand you."


I frowned, standing up and slamming the glass on the counter. "Well sorry if Im not the easy girl you expected me to be. Maybe if thats what youre actually thinking I should just go." I turned on my heel to leave and felt Lucifer grip my wrist, pulling me back to him. "Lorelai that isnt what I meant and you know it. Im just having a hard time understanding why you dont seem to desire me as others do." Others...a sharp pain tugged in my chest and I was reminded about his womanizer tendencies. "Sorry to disappoint you then." I grumbled, looking down. Lucifer still gripped my wrist, his grip loosening slightly. His hand slipped into mine as he raised my wrist to his mouth, kissing the inner skin. I bit my lip, looking up at him from beneath my lashes and feeling my irritation toards him slowly flicker away, as if he blew out the candle within me. "I apologize." He murmured, pulling my body into his.

His arm came around my waist, he leaned in to whisper in my ear as he had done the day before. "Lets say we forget the whole thing and start over, how can I make this up to you? What is it you desire?" My eyes fluttered closed and I inhaled his intoxicating scent once more. I hummed softly and felt his lips come over mine, kissing me softly as if wanting to draw out my inner animal. I leaned into him, kissing him slightly harder before mumbling, "I cant sleep with you."

He pulled back instantly and left me feeling cold and embarassed. My cheeks heated and my eyes widened as the moment sliped away from us. "What?" HIs brown furrowed as he droped my hand and stepped back from me. I swallowed and repeated myself, stuttering slightly. "I-I cant sleep with you."

"And may I ask why not?" He snapped. I was taken aback by his change of tone. He acted as if this was the first time he had ever heard the word no, but surely I couldnt be the first person to reject him? I glared at him, straightening my shoulders. "Actually, its none of your freakin business. I think I better leave now." I turned then, moving quicker so he couldnt grab me again. I headed straight for the elevator, pressing the button and stepping in. I turned around to see Lucifer watching me from whwre I left him; a puzzled and annoyed look on his face.

That was the last thing I saw as the elevator doors closed.

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