I remembered how her friend had told me about a weird relationship Sara had been in before, but she never told me about it, and I didn’t want to hear it considering I was in it for the sex. “How so?”

                “Well, I was the dominant one. She was very feminine. And had just come out as bisexual when we met. I was her first anything, and it took a long time for her to even get comfortable kissing me, let alone initiating a kiss. I was always giving, never receiving. You were actually the first one to…uh…well, you know.”

                I stopped and stared straight ahead. “I was your first?”

                “In a way. I mean, you weren’t the first one I had done anything to, but you were my first I guess.” She shrugged, like it wasn’t a big deal.

                “I took your—” I couldn’t even say it.

                “Yes, Devon, you did.”

                “But—” I didn’t even know what to say.

                “It’s not that big of a deal, Dev.”

                “It is.” I mumbled. “I’ve never done that.”

                “All of those sexual experiences and you’ve never taken someone’s virginity?” I almost winced at the word.

                “No!” I exclaimed. “Never!”

                “Awww, I was your first first.”

                “Shut up.” I grumbled and looked away.

                She pulled my face back to look at her and smiled sweetly. “I think it’s cute.” She kissed me softly and I shivered slightly.

                “We should keep going.” I mumbled when I finally pulled away.

                She chuckled to herself about something and tugged my hand gently, getting us moving again. We admired the trees and things as we walked. Eventually we came to the first exhibit and she pointed at something behind the glass, but I was more focused on her.

                It was almost empty today because it was a little chilly outside and during the school year, but I liked that. It made it feel more private.

                Sara pushed a stray lock of curly hair behind her ear while she talked about the arctic fox on the other side of us. She had this grin and her green eyes shone with excitement. I could feel my stomach flutter when she glanced over at me and smiled before turning back to the fox.

                A thought popped into my head that terrified and excited me.

                I needed to see Jan tomorrow.

                “Where are you?” Sara asked, her fingers brushing along my cheek.

                “Here of course.” I said with a smile.

                She smiled back and shook her head. “I mean in here, silly.” She tapped my temple gently.

                I thought about it for a moment. Where was I? In a crazy place, a place I thought I’d never be. “I’m not quite sure really.”

                “Do you want to talk about it?”

                “Not yet. Soon, I promise, but I need to think about it all first.” I ran my fingers through her hair and smiled. I pulled her into me for a kiss that I wasn’t ready to end.

Cravings (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now