I put down my cup and saw both dad and Cora, startled by the way I had answered. To be honest, I was pretty shocked myself.
"What," dad said, "did you say?"

"I said no," I replied simply, just like I had before.

Cora gasped, "why? He's a nice boy."

"Because," I replied, coughing just a bit, "you're going to find something wrong about him and tell me that I can't meet with him again. Like you always do."

He smiled, "perhaps I will. But, I don't think I need to meet him anymore since you have just proved that he is probably a bad influence on you."

"No, I haven't." I replied in a shaky voice.

"Oh," he said, "yes you have." He got up off his chair and began to walk back to the couch, "you can't see him anymore."

"Fine." I sighed, "you win. When do you want to meet him?"

He immediately turned around and clapped in happiness, "how's tomorrow night, for dinner? My treat."

I rolled my eyes, "perfect."

That was my dad, always winning no matter what he did. I remember at one point where I could bend all his tricks and do what I wanted anyways, but that wasn't the case anymore. As the years went by, I had gotten more innocent, and he had gotten more clever.

Dad left the room now and all that was left was me and Cora. I turned to her and said, "you had to tell him, didn't you?"

She smiled, "it was Caroline who started it, I just added to it."

I groaned and took a sip of my coffee, still unable to speak clearly. And I had a feeling it would only get worse.

"So," Cora said as she sat in the seat in front of me where dad was sitting, "you and Zayn are dating now, huh?"

"No." I replied a little too quickly and she smirked, "liar."

I rolled my eyes, "yes. We are. And now thanks to you and your nosey sister, I'm going to have to break up with him."

"Oh?" She said, "and why is that?"

"Because," I replied, "dad isn't going to like him."

"Why? He's a sweet boy."

I shut my eyes, "because he won't even get to know him. He'll judge him by the way he looks."

"No he won't," she assured me, "he's not like that."

I opened my mouth to argue with her about that but nothing came out. I was silenced, once again, by my own self. My throat didn't budge, and just like that, I was unable to warn Cora about how wrong she really was.

Truth was, even though Cora was about to marry my dad, she still knew nothing about him. Unless she had tried living with him for her whole life, I don't think she ever will.

At least not like I know him.


We'll be there in half an hour. :) xx

I texted to dad after he had asked when Zayn and I were coming to the dinner.

I texted Zayn the day before, warning him that my dad wanted to meet him. He texted back saying.

Sounds great. When should I be there? xx

I informed him about the time he had to get ready by, telling him that I would be coming with him.

That was the thing with dad, he wanted everything to be presice and down to his rules. Meaning the dinner had to go exactly how he planned.

First he went to the restaurant and waited a couple of minutes for my boyfriend and I to arrive, so he can see what type of car he has. Then he shook hands with them saying, "it was a pleasure to meet you," if he liked them. Or, "nice to meet you," if he didn't. Anything other than that was considered an absolute disappointment. Then, we ordered, and he would pay extra attention to what they ordered, seeing if they ate a lot, or if they ate a reasonable amount, just like him. After that, he would offer them dessert, and if they said no thanks, they were a gentlemen. And if they said yes, that was considered "rude" and "money consuming". During this whole process, he would sneak in questions like, "what are your intrests and hobbies," or "where do you work." And if at the end, the boy left while giving me a kiss in front of everyone, he would be "bad news", and if he hugged me, he was okay.

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