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"and then he said he had to go"

"aw, Josh, it's fine buddy! look, it's obvious that he's got the hots for you just like you've got for him. he could've actually been busy. lighten up Jish, i hate to see you like this. if it's meant to be it'll all work out in the end, okay?", Josh nods hesitantly as Brendon pats his shoulder and starts to walk off to stack cd's.

i ask you nicely not to play with my feelings Ty...

he trailed off in his mind and began to think of the worst.

what if he doesn't like me?

i'm probably just a piece of ass to him anyways.

but how could someone so broken and used want to use somebody else?

maybe he's some kind of con artist. that whole paragraph of a message was probably just his way of drawing me in so he can FUCK ME and then act as if i DON'T EXIST-...

no, i can't believe that....idk.

i can't make any assumptions when i barely even know him.

ig i can fuck him like he offered and see how it plays itself ou-


oh, boo boo....it's happening...

"hey Brendon, have you seen Josh today?"

"oh yeah, he's right over in the alternative aisle, I believe. but if not i'll go look for him", Bren said giving me a 'get ready and stop being a pussy cause i'm pretty sure he's gay' kind of look as he sent Tyler on a semi goose chase.

i fixed my hair up a little and made sure my clothes weren't crooked before walking over to Tyler.

"hey, heard you were lookin-"

i was cut off by Tyler throwing his body against mine and squeezing me as if he was trying to steal my oxygen for his own selfish use.

i heard a faint sob escape his mouth but i'm not the best at consoling a person in pain so i just wrapped my arms around him.

"i'm sorry", Tyler said as he attempted to wipe his tears from my shoulder with his long sleeve.

i ignored the gesture and just pulled him back in, petting his head.

"no, no, it's totally fine. let it out baby-"

i was cut off once again by, you'll never guess who....

"sorry to interrupt boys, but could i talk to you for a bit mr. Cutes?", Debby said after clearing her throat.

next update from Tyjø's pov!!! sorry I took so long. just started school n stuff...


Notes (Joshler)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora