Chapter 1

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Hey there,

 the author speaking. So I wrote this story back in 2016 when I was about 11 so don't be too critical. I know its bad and super cliche and maybe I kinda knew it was this bad and thats why I hardly wrote any chapters. Anyways enjoy! (I guess) and remember not to take this too seriously it was written by an actual fetus. 

Alouette's P.O.V

Flying. That's what I was doing right now. I was soaring above the trees,my blue and white wings slicing through the air. Flap,flap,flap I rose higher ,the forest looking like a tiny toy land. The sun beat down on me. It was hot. After a long session in the air came down onto the ground. I can never get used to the exhilarating feeling of flying. I padded back to the trees. I always sleep in the trees I don't know why but it feels like coming home. Though I wouldn't really know how that feels since I've never had a home,you know like the people on TV. I don't care. The forest is my home,my forest.

I clambered up my favorite tree when there was rustling in the trees my pinpoint hearing picked it up.

"Who's there?"I shouted. But I was only answered by more rustling. I sensed danger and decided to take off. As i rose into the air, searing pain spread through my left wing. I dropped like a dead weight. I had been shot. My were eyes closing rapidly as I felt two burly men carry me off into a large van.

Alouette Aves-The girl with who could flyWhere stories live. Discover now