You should do some research ma'am. This company is one of the most beneficial to our society and to partner on a project that could give back is very crucial to the success of smaller businesses. I understand that you use to be a former employee of the company. Mr. Hale has spoken highly about your contribution to the success of his role. I would be honored if you were to be a major contribution to our company as well.

President Vasquez, Jeremy of Array Digital

I try to hide the brief annoyance of this whole situation, but the scowl on my face says otherwise. Once again I will be faced to work with this man. This man who made a permanent mark in my life. When I have children someday I will have to explain how cruel and rewarding love has been with him as the lead character.

It took me a moment before I could really email my boss back. The memories came flooding back into my mind clouding everything else. Just like a pop-up blocker. I did miss him... I missed Xander. I missed Mr. Hale. The only agonizing part of the whole ordeal was the sexual tension of it all.

Surely anyone can mask their feelings if needed be. Could I, though? Could I really set aside how much I care about this man for the sake of the companies? This career for me was important. There was no way I could let my meaningless..... more like meaningful affair with Mr. Hale jeopardize this.

From: Ellie Donovan
To: Jeremy Vasquez
Date: January 10, 2017 9:01 PM
Subject: Modest

You are far too modest Mr. Vasquez. I always make sure to be 100% competent, reliable and with the proper etiquette with anyone I work with. I will make sure to always do my best if not better. Thank you for allowing me the chance to help benefit you on this project. If there is anything that I can do to make this experience easy, and more manageable please call, email, or text me when needed. Mr. Hale's reputable company had an effect on how work was completed and those skills I will keep with me always.

Assist. Donovan of A.D.

I try to sound professional as can be for my job is always on the line with these CEO and board members. Mr. Vasquez was one of six brothers to have such success. Of course, he's one of the eldest so that worked in his favor. Most foreign people that have migrated to America have had money since they were born.

Mr. Vasquez and his family were very understanding and very family orientated.

There was one more email from Mr. Vasquez informing me to do some research and to prepare for business to resume as soon as I came back to work. I open a new tab and search Google for Mr. Hale. The pictures come load up by the dozen. There are pictures of Mr. Hale in suits, tuxedo's, and business attire alike.

I'm reminded of his demeanor. Firm. Straightforward. Intimidating. Attentive. Dominant.

It was scary at first his overbearing need to be headstrong in every situation. It left me powerless. I believe that's the reason for the strong lust and desire in my soul.

Then I am reminded of his tenderness, shielding, and compassion.

For a lot of people, it was hard to understand the ways of his lifestyle and attitude. There's was still a great deal that Mr. Hale was hiding. He loved the cloak that hid every imperfection of his. I couldn't blame him. Everyone is always hiding from something.

"Hey," his voice cheery on the other end of the phone.

Sebastian had done one of his weekly routine calls. "Hey, how are you?" I ask.

He sighs slightly as if there had been a rough day. "Well, I have to work with the group leader a little later than expected. The protests of health care for our fellow single mother's of some of the poorer communities have gone up. It's getting ridiculous." He goes on to explain.

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