Chapter 7

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Sasukes pov

We then arrived at the hospital and were waiting in the waiting room cause that is what you do in one that is why you call it a waiting room(I'm so sorry if I suck) everyone kept on staring at us cause naruto was sitting on my lap since there were no extra chairs and I wanted to sit down so he ended up sitting on my lap

Time skip

They finally called naruto and checked out his foot they said it wasn't that bad but he shouldn't be stepping on his foot so they gave him a crutch. When we got to the house naruto was pretty tired so I let him take a nap in my room

"Hey sasuke what time is it" well I guess he's awake "um it's 8 he looked at me with wide eyes "um can you please drop me off at my house, like now" he quickly jumped off the bed and fell right back down "you dumbass did you forget about your foot" he looked like he was in a lot of pain "oh yeah I forgot, and why am I in my boxers!" He yelled at that last sentence "well I thought you would be more comfortable so I kinda took them off for you" I liked away so he wouldn't see me blushing looking like a tomato.

"Ok enough talking give me my pants so you can drop me off already" I could see that he was also blushing from the corner of my eye, he looked so adorable "ok I think put them somewhere around here" I started to crawl around "sasuke!" I looked at him confused "why did you yell my name" he started to blush even harder "because your naked" I liked at him then down at me I wasn't really that naked I just wasn't wearing pants and I had a sweater that was really long so it looked like I was only wearing the sweater "calm down your as naked as I am" he turned away and it looked so cute "whatever give me my pants" I finally found them and gave them to him.

Time skip to when there not half naked

We walked out of the house and got in the car his house wasn't far but it wasn't close either it was probably 30 min away

"Hey can I use the six cord" I heard my little fox say "yeah sure go ahead" He began to plug his phone in "I'm sorry if you don't like my music" I never really knew what music he liked but then the music started and I knew exactly what song it was "can I kiss you" he just looked at me weird "um no your driving" I smirked at him "so then I f I wasn't driving you would kiss me" I just saw him ignore me and put the volume up and I got so pumped cause I was gonna start singing like crazy
Then the song started

I must except this consequences for my actions when all I did was what the world told me I should do and do anything for dreams if only I knew the cost of my dreams aka you would be you I'm dead now! The nightmare is slowly taking over all that's happened

(Love this band)

By this point naruto looked suprised at me and began to sing along.

Time skip to Narutos house

I don't want to say bye to him I ant him to sleep over my house and stay there forever because I just lo-"hey sasuke are you okay" my thoughts were interrupted by naruto "oh yeah I'm fine why" I just smiled at him "cause you were kind of staring at the door for 5 min" he told me with a chuckle at the end "oh sorry just got lost in thought well I guess I'll see you tomorrow I wish you could sleepover at my house" I wrapped my arms around his waist"I wish that also cause I'm about to get my ass kicked and by the way you sing really good you should join like a band or something" he gave me a quick peck on the lips and ran in the house "ok b-" I was cut off by the door he's so rude.

Narutos pov

I'm going to get ass kicked so bad. I tried so hard not to bump into aunt tsunade while going to my room "hey where have you been"and I completely failed "oh um sorry I know I was late for dinner but it was because I was at Sasukes and I hurt my foot really bad they took me to the hospital, I napped and woke up really late and I'm really sorry I prom-" and I was cut off by tsunade "DO YOU THINM I GUVE A DAMN ABOUT THAT are you okay why didn't you tell me about your foot I was worried when the hospital called me saying that you went to the hospital under someone else's health insurance" (I don't know if you can actually do that just go with it) I was so surprised usually tsunade is so stricken and mean I mean knew she loved but I never expected her to show it "yeah I'm fine I just can't walk on my foot" she looked at me up and down "that will explain the crutches" I smiled at her "yeah" I then saw her with worried expression "wait aren't you hungry you HAVNT eaten all day" she just kind of picked me up bridal style and took me to the kitchen while she served me left overs while she was heating everything up I just sat there not content at all of how she carried me I mean I like it when sasuke does it but the is my aunt which is also a woman well sort of,from the outside.

Time skip

After j finished eating she helped me upstairs but before she did I begged her to not carry me so she just held my crutches and helped me up the stairs and I went fast asleep forgetting that I was gonna leave in couple weeks because of my time with sasuke I really don't want to leave sasuke here and I fell asleep while tears ran down my cheeks.


Hope you liked it tell me if I'm getting better because I think I suck at this 😁

30 days Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora