Chapter 34: Tattoo

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Orion's Pov

"Do you remember our alpha?" I asked Will. It was the day before Arie had to come back. I just had to get through twelve hours and I had her back. I think I was losing my mind without her. I had to keep myself busy so I didn't think about her all the time.

"Yes, Alpha Davidson," Will said. He didn't become my third until I became Alpha. He just knew him as our Alpha.

"I killed him. I poisoned him," I said. He just frowned at me. I ran a hand through my hair. I haven't told anyone that other than West. West assumed beforehand.

"We all knew you wanted to be Alpha really badly. You know Orion, why'd you pick me as your extra? You know about my past," he looked down at his phone on his lap then looked up at me again.

"I don't know everything about your past. I decided everyone needed a second chance. I brought you into this pack. You didn't know about me so you were a perfect candidate for my extra. Your parents were rogues. They hurt people. They're over the wall, you're not a rogue. You were packless. There is a difference from rogue and packless," I murmured. I looked down at a folder on my desk. Will just kept staring at me.

"Most Alphas don't believe that there is a difference," he said just as Holly walked into the room. She sat on the couch and looked down at her phone.

"Arie's on her way back?" I asked her. She just nodded,"Arie talks to you, right?"

"Why?" She asked instead. I laughed and looked down at my phone.

"Because she doesn't talk to me. What is she keeping from me? Is she okay? Is something threatening her?" Holly just looked at me then at Will.

"Arie's fine. Nothing's wrong with her. She changed over the months she's been in Paris," she murmured. I nodded at her then picked up my phone. I got up when the door downstairs opened. Ten seconds later, Autumn was pushing the door open to my office.

"Daddy, look what grandma Sandra gave me," she put her hand out on the table. It was a tattoo of a leaf. That orange leaf.

"It's washable," Arie said. I just kept staring at the leaf. Will stared at it too.

I walked away from Autumn and grabbed the file on my desk. I took out the picture of the leaf. It was the same leaf and the same color. That couldn't just be a coincidence.

"That can't be a coincidence," Will said. I nodded at him then looked at Autumns hand again.

"What is it?" Arie picked her up. She looked a little different but I couldn't really put my hand on what it was.

"The same leaf showed up on a sleeping girl," Will looked at Autumn as he was talking. Sleeping. More like dead,"we assumed it had something to do with Autumn because leaves mean fall and fall means Autumn."

"You didn't tell me that," Arie said. I looked at Autumn in her arms,"what's wrong with your shoulder?"

"Nothing," I looked at the bandage on my shoulder. Arie put Autumn on the ground and lifted the bandage on my arm. She stared at the tattoo. I looked down at it then back to her face.

"I didn't know you were getting a tattoo," she whispered. I just nodded at her.

"I got it last week," I put the bandage back on and sat down on my desk,"it still hurts like hell."

"I'm going to go sleep. I haven't slept all week," she left Autumn with me and walked out the door. I stared at her back.

"Does she look different to you?" I asked just as Holly got out the chair.

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