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Two and a half years ago. Arabella's Pov

I could feel his claws on my back as he pulled me closer to him. His teeth scrapped against my neck. My teeth came out the longer he teased me. Both of our hearts were racing. It felt like they were both going to explode. We were breathing at the same time. Both raspy and shallow breaths against each other's lips.

I let a noise escape my lips which made him growl. He licked the side of my face. What was up with werewolves licking people? Sure, they were half dogs. Half.

"Arie," he murmured my nickname under his breath. He was pulling me so close to him. His nails were cutting into my back. I really didn't mind.

"Orion," I moaned back. It made him growl louder.

"You're going to be the death of me," he growled. I could see his teeth from the corner of my vision.

"You're going to be mine," I whispered back. A growl rumbled in his chest but he didn't let it out.

An hour later, he was grabbing his clothes and walking out the door. That's how I saw him. His ass as he walked away.

Orion's Pov

Stupid little vampire and stupid pack. They always had to call me in when I was busy. I couldn't wait until the day came where I could tell them no and continue who I was doing.

I shifted back when I got to the pack. The pack was unusually quiet. Everyone was quiet as I walked to the pack house. What was going on?

"You feel it yet?" West asked me. He was the third in command. Why was he asking me if I felt something? The only thing I felt was how turned on I was by that vampire. Why was I so turned on by a blood sucking creature of the night?

"Feel what?" I growled at him. He frowned at me then stared behind us.

"He died. Titles yours Alpha," he bowed his head at me. What? He died. How did I not feel that? Great. I was so busy with the blood sucker that I didn't realize that my alpha died and I became the alpha. Great.

"Great," I murmured under my breath, walking into the pack house. Just great.


Present day. Arabella's Pov

"We have to stop this," I said against his lips. His lips were so soft. The rest of him was so rough.

"Why?" He looked generally confused as to why I wanted to stop. I stared down at his hand that cupped my breast then looked up at him again.

"We both know I'm just your whore Orion. What if I get caught?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and flipped us so he was laying over me. He sent kisses down my chest. Each kiss made my heart beat faster.

"You're not my whore," he murmured back. He continued to kiss my chest. I lifted my head up and he held my hips with his hands.

"What am I then?" I asked. I flipped us over again. His hands were still holding tight to my hips.

"You're merely my sleeping buddy," he said. I laughed under my breath. Wasn't that the definition of his whore?

"Well as your sleeping partner, what if I get caught?" I said. He just smirked and pulled me closer to him.

"It's not going to happen. Stop worrying about it," he kissed each one of my breasts before saying something,"now, stop talking and moan my name baby."

He pulled me closer to him, forcing himself into me. I moaned and bit my lip. He smirked at me as his teeth started growing through his mouth.

"I still think I'm your whore," I whispered. He growled louder.

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