schedule for updating!

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Hi, i will not be very active since I have dance and school is starting. Here is my schedule for updating.

Rant and Stupid Jokes book- randomly

New Neighbor- once every 1-2 weeks

A Special Love- 1 a week. Hopefully.
I will update this one the most because it is for my friend, Kristen113 . Sorry Kristen, if I dont update as much as you expect.

Gabe Fanfic- coming soon. I have already wrote a few parts a month ago😂

Requests for imagines- coming soon

Dare me something in the comments.
▪Face reveal needs 5 or more requests. Or 10 followers.
▪I will do a dance video dare if I get a request and after I have done my face reveal. MyLifeAs_Lex already requested this but I need to do a face reveal first.
▪ any other dare that doesnt include my ratchet face, i will do after 1 request.

You can tell others to comment a dare for whatever. Also please tell my readers about this. Thanks!


RANTS AND STUPID JOKESNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ