He glared at her "you scared me." He said, walking to his bunk, beside hers.

She had been the only one who had actually a conversation with him since he was claimed. Therefore, she was one of his very few friends.

The blonde chuckled "sorry, but seriously, where were you?" She asked again, raising an eyebrow at him.

Sam blushed as the event from earlier came to his mind. He shrugged and hoped Lily-Rose couldn't see his blush in the dark. "I couldn't sleep so I went out for a walk." He lied and laid down.

He could feel the stare of the girl burning a hole on his face.

"Went out for a walk? With the harpies around?" She asked in disbelief.

Sam shrugged again and nodded. He didn't want to give more explanations so he turned around, his back facing her. He closed his eyes "Goodnight Lily." He said, hoping she would drop the subject.

He heard her sigh and shifting movements as she laid down too "Goodnight Sam. Don't think I'm letting that go so easily." Was the last thing he heard before blacking out, fast asleep.


Sam woke up startled as he felt cold water splash his face. He sat up quickly and looked around.

The whole cabin was staring him down. Again. Great.

Lily-Rose was beside him, holding an empty glass "sorry," she said sheepishly "breakfast is in 10 minutes and you wouldn't wake up." She shrugged and placed the cup on her dresser, walking to the door of the cabin and ordering his half siblings to make an organised line.

He frowned. 10 minutes?! He rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower, doing his normal morning routine [well, as normal as it can be when you're a demigod]. He put on a camp shirt with black skinny jeans and converse shoes. He quickly walked outside the bathroom and went to the line.

As soon as he was there, the Apollo cabin walked out to breakfast.

He took a look at his surroundings. Second day of camp, a lot more to go probably. He still found it hard to believe everything, but there he was.

He sat down at the table beside Lily-Rose and a boy younger than him he couldn't remember his name. As he said what he wanted to eat, he looked up at the other tables.

At the Hypnos table with her siblings, sat Indigo Heaton, the girl who saved the life of the Lesley girl and his when they were arriving to camp. If it wasn't for her plan, that one eyed ogre would have eaten them alive.

At the Zeus table, alone, sat Lesley. Smiling as always. Sometimes Sam wondered if she had gotten Botox or something, because she didn't seem to get tired of smiling or anything.

Then, the Eros table. There sat Roman Lovelace. His eyes lingered on her for a moment before quickly looking away. It would be more embarrassing and awkward that it already was if he was caught looking at her.

He sighed softly and picked at his food, not really hungry. Lily-Rose had told him that today he would choose his weapon, and start with the archery and medicine lessons. He wasn't so sure how all of that would end up.

He was sure he sucked at archery, he would certainly panic if someone stared choking, and the only thing he was somewhat good at was at singing and maybe playing the guitar a bit. But Sam was more than sure that wouldn't help him a lot in battle.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a girl's voice.

"Big day today, isn't it mate?" Lily-Rose asked him in her Australian accent, nudging him lightly. Oh you can't imagine how excited I am.

Sam smiled tiredly "it sure is." He said, faking excitement "i wonder what weapon I'll choose." He said, not faking that. He really wondered what weapon his heart would prefer at the time of choosing one.

Lily-Rose shrugged and ran a hand through her blonde beach hair "most children of Apollo usually go for a bow and some arrows." She said. No, but Sam didn't want a bow...

Sam shrugged "I guess I'll see what I prefer when I see them. What did you choose?" He asked the girl.

"A bow." His half sister answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


He was about to say something else when Chiron, the half horse dude strutted into the pavilion. All chatter and laughter died down.

"Heroes," he announced "as a daily reminder, capture the flag will be tomorrow night. I hope the leaders of the teams have their warriors prepared. You have until tomorrow evening to prepare what's missing, and train hard! I'm sure this one game will be amazingly entertaining," he said, then went to the table where the head of camp, the god of wine Dionysus sat, drinking coke.

Sam looked at Lily-Rose curiosity "capture the flag?" He asked her confused. He wasn't notified of such a childish game being played at camp.

The girl beside him grinned devilishly "oh you'll love it. Of course, if you manage to be alive after one minute." She shrugged.


Sam gulped "uh Lily...? What do you mean?" He asked her as the girl just laughed, not giving him an answer.

Sweet Jesus.

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