Chapter 11: Affection

Start from the beginning

"You're right!" Did that light we found in the chambers where the master sword rested make this possible? He said he was light, but the look in his eyes made it like there was more emotion in them

"Hm?" Link looked confused

"Nothing... Let's go and get that piece real quick. Then we can go check out Lon Lon Ranch"

"Oh right, Malon..." I frowned. I wonder if she remembers us... Link and I went out to Kakariko, seeing how bright it was. It wasn't as bright as it was 7 years ago, but it was good enough.

I took a deep breath and felt the piece near by... Before paying attention to that, I saw Impa and Shauna walking by. I gasped and ran over. That's weird, I didn't think I would see Impa anytime soon!

The two looked at us. Shauna gasped when she saw me and started crying. Shauna..? Are you... One of my sages? I ignored it and ran up to her "oh, Lina! I'm so happy to see you again!" She cried. Impa walked over to us as Link walked to my side. Shauna started hugging me like a little sister

"You two... It's been 7 years. You manage to get yourself the sword" my stomach suddenly started growling. Man! I haven't been this hungry in a long time!

"Hungry? Come! We'll feed you!" Shauna grabbed my hand and ran me to a home a few people share together. The kind fat lady, Maria, who cooked for her housemates, cooked us a feast on the table. I just peaked at Talon sleeping in a bed. there's no hope in waking him up. Link dug in his meal, but my brain was possessing while Impa spoke about what happened through the years we've been gone and Zelda being safe. I knew all this, but Link and Navi needed to know Zelda was okay

"Lina, your hair grew so much" Shauna said, playing with my hair "it use to be on your elbows, but now it's pass your knees" I reached down my seat to take my hair. I have a lot of it... I didn't say anything about it before since it wasn't bothering me. I'm use to short hair, but it feels like I'm use to this as well...

"It's very lovely!" Maria told me "I can't believe it's been 7 years since you've came back. When you were kids, many of the villagers watch how you two go around knowing what you were doing. The blue haired girl was always the one who could make a adult follow her. She was mature and many of us watched fascinated" I looked at her before glancing at Link's weapon and shield on the floor

"I guess you can say I had to grow up... I matured like I grew up normal to my adult hood but went back to become a child" the story was all true, but all they know is that I made it as a comparison "we grow up differently... We all do... As children, we learn at a young age and master the skill as we get older. I have a request... Impa"


"Link is skillful at swordsmanship, but now that he's matured, now that evil surrounds us, things won't be as easy. Please help Link and train him" Link looked at Impa, waiting for a answer. Impa nodded, standing from her chair

"A wise request... Of course. I will help him. Are you willing to learn, boy?" Link stood, nodding

"Yes" the lady crossed her arms to think

"What's wrong? Maria?" Shauna asked

"Well... By looking at this boy, well... I thought the blue haired girl was the only one who was missing from the village" Impa looked at Link

"I see what you are talking about, but I'm sure this is the fairy boy I was talking about being missing with the blue haired girl"

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Impa sighed

"There's a young man in the village that showed up about a year ago... He came out of nowhere in the day time and disappears in the night. He often goes around flirting with the other young ladies and watches over the couple who got married the same day he showed up. He's very social and friendly, but a total womanizer" I blinked confused before looking at Link just staring. It's nice how the piece is social and friendly, but... A womanizer?

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