Chapter 21

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We took the joker to an old shipping yard. Apparently Bruce owns a few shipping crates.  It didnt take long for Batman to set up a chair and tie the joker to it.  Batman told me to run and find a bucket and to fill it with harbor water and then to come back.  I was on my way back to him with a five gallon bucket filled with water.  When i got there he looked at me and told me that i need to work on my speed. Not a thank you for doing it quickly but you need to do better. No wonder Robin was so closed off.  He probably thought everyone was like this. 

Batman threw the bucket of water on the Joker and he woke up laughing. "Quite refreshing" HE said laughing some more. " So tell me Bats, where is Robin? Why do you have lover boy instead?" He asked and Batman punched him in the face.  The smile never left him. No matter how many times he was hit he always smiled. It was terrifying. He wasnt even fazed by the beating. 

"What did you do to him?" Batman yelled in his face. "Do to who?" the Joker said laughing. "How could it have been me if I was put in Arkham they day after he was taken, because you thought it was me then too. " Batman just looks at him and thinks for a good long while. " That is why it was you! Wheres Harley?"  He asked. "Im not telling you." He said in a childish manor as he turned his head away.  "Tell me Joker or I will hunt her down and do the same thing to her." 

Thats when his smile dropped. For the first time in the hour we have been here the Joker got serious. "You wont lay a finger on her. " he demanded. " How do you plan to stop me? I'll take you back to Arkham and you sit in your cell knowing someone other than you is  beating her. " Joker tried to stand up in the chair but Batman pushed it down. " You arent going anywhere. We can go one of two ways. You tell me what you did to Robin or i put you back in Arkham and beat up you girlfriend next. Its up to you. " Batman continued.  This was truly scary to watch and i think the joker caught on to my game of trying not to be scared because he looked directly at me. 

"Whats the matter kid? Scared of little old me? I wan hurt ya. Not to bad anyway ." He winked at me with a giant smile and turned back to Batman. " Kid Flash bring in Superman and the Flash." Batman instructed. I look to wrist and click on both Supermans and Flashs faces. "This is Kid Flash, Batman needs you guys to come to this location." I said " Wally?! What are you doing with Batman?" Flash asked " I'll right there." Superman answered.  " You didnt know?" I asked him. " No He told me that you had big Young Justice stuff to attended to and that i couldnt get your help."  He finished the last of the sentence in person.  Superman was only seconds behind him. 

" I need you guys to locate and bring me Harley Quinn."  Batman said with out looking away from the Joker. Both heroes nodded and left on there mission. "Kid flash, go search all of Gotham. He is sending you places you need to go by first. If you have any trouble call Superman and Flash. "  I didnt want to argue,Hell if Superman wasnt going to argue with this man I'm defiantly not. I left immediately. Alfred came through on my ear piece around the time i got past the Gotham sign. 

"You'll need to check the botanical gardens. Poison Ivy might be there with her so be careful." I nodded and pushed harder.   I had to be better if I was going to save Dick.  As Alfred would have guess she was with Poison Ivy. " Superman? Flash? I could use you help." I whisper.

I walk into the the small  area that hopefully doesnt make me visible to the girls. " Who is there?"  Ivy shouted as she walked in my direction. Harley was quick to follow her. Before i could even move something tightens its grip on my ankle  and when it pulls me out the ground was the last thing i saw.

Hey guys sorry it taking a little longer lately. School just started up again and i have a busy senior year. I'll be updating as soon as i possible can . Hopefully not to much will change in my updating patterns. I'll see you guys in the next chapter till then i must bid fare well.

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