Chapter 20

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It has been an entire week since i moved in to the manor.  Bruce had already given a cover story saying i was the son of one of the Carnies that Dick grew up with. This would have been fine with me if it wasnt for Dick spending all his time with Barbra. 

Ever since he met her he has done nothing but hang out with her.  Why is it her? Why not me? All i wanted was for things to go back to normal and for Dick and I to finally be together. I think i might actually die from this.  I just wish i knew what was going through his head. I never knew exactly what he was thinking unless he told me. 

I took a drink of the tea that Alfred just dropped off as i look at the huge computer. " Bruce?" I ask as he was typing away. "Yes Wally?" he asked not looking up or slowing down.  "Did Dick ever tell you that he said the Joker was there when he was taken?" I ask and Bruce stopped tying and looked at me very very seriously. "No, did he tel you that?" He asked. " Yeah, right before he blacked out the last time. I asked what had happened and he had said it was the Joker who was behind his kidnap. Then thats when he fell over. " 

"Wally suit up. Were going to Arkham."  Bruce said standing and heading to the wall of suits he had.  " What?!" i asked shocked. "You heard me." he said. Bruce had said Alfred made me a suit for my time here since i wasnt suppose to have to much contact with my parents or Barry.  I rush back there to see my suit but in stealth mode.  "I thought you said Alfred made me  suit?" i ask. " He did but we really only have Black fabric. " I nod and just put it on. " So how how are we going to do this?" I ask. "You are going to do what I tell you,when i tell you." Batman said as he started towards the batmobile.  "Get in." he said and i did. He hen sat inside of it. The floor started to spin and when we faced the single road out he punched it.  after a few seconds of driving he handed me a ear piece. " Dont take this out. "  i took my original one out and replaced it with the new  one.  " What is wrong with my other one?" I asked confused. " That isnt connected to the justice league com link and i dont want the young justice team to hear you."  I nod. He then handed me a metal belt.  "This will have explosives or anything else you might need.  The screen on your left wrist will control the com link and any timed explosive."  

" Were going to Arkham, why do I need all this weaponry?" I ask. "Because were going to Arkham. " is the last thing he said.   We pulled into the yard and He jumped out before the car had even stopped.  He quickly went inside and i ran to keep up with him. " Hey Batman, Here for the Joker?" The security guard asked. "Yes." Batman said. " Whos the kid?"  He asked.  " With me." Batman said walking through. I followed him giving the man a smirk. We walked through hallways upon hallways till he opened a door. It was a big room with a glass cell in the middle of the room. The Joker was inside. 

"Batman! Its so good to see you! Adopting a new kid already ?" he asked. " What did you do with Robin?" Batman asked very serious. " I dont know what you mean?" he said. Batman looked at each of the guards posted in the room and they all nodded their heads. " Kid Flash, vibrate the lock." I looked at Batman shocked. Not wanting to disobey him I started to vibrate my hand and but it to the lock. The glass door then shattered. The joker started to laugh at my failure but Batman was quick to rush over and grab him. He slammed him in to the glass and he started to calm down. 

"This must be Wally. Nice to finally meet you. " he said and batman slammed him  against the wall again, and again and again. Finally the joker was out cold. Batman hung him over his shoulder and looked at the guards. "I'll bring him back later." is all he said and he walked out.  

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