Chapter 13

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Wally ran around frantically looking for his best friend. Either Robin or Richard. He really didnt care who he found first. Wally found himself  in the kitchen standing on the island looking at all the people who ran by. That is when he heard a very familiar voice scream from the main room. Wally instantly knew it was Robin or Richard,he couldn't tell the difference between the two at this point. He ran as fast as he could and found one of the two at the half way  point up the stairs talking to the women. "Let everyone leave, you have  me now. Let them go, all of them." he said and it had to be Rob, the voice was loud and asserting. Wally raced to his side and it took him aback. It was not Robin it was Richard. Wally took a minute and stared at the boy thinking once again that maybe just maybe that Robin and Richard might just  be the same person. Wally was snapped out of his trance when the women started to talk. "Well hows the baby bird?" Wally wondered what she meant by this. "Don't call me that Alexa, What do you want?" Wally had never been more confused in his life, Did they know each other? he thought. " I want you to come with me, The queen is requesting your presence and you know she doesnt like to be kept waiting." a devilish grin appeared on her face as she out stretched her hand towards him. "Only if you let everyone else leave here." Richard said sternly. "Dick you cant honestly be considering going with her!" Wally yelled even when he was only a step or two away. Richard and Alexa ignored Wally, way to engrossed in their own conversation. "Yes sir." she said with a mock salute. Richard touched her hand and they were gone. Wally wasnt quick enough for the first time in his life. He couldnt save his best friend. Wally immediately connected with both the Justice League and the Young Justice League and called a meeting at mount justice asap. He ran there quickly and waited as the female voice of the base to call out ever member of both teams. He went straight to batman. "Richard was taken by Alexa and was handed over to a queen." Wally said quickly and while passing rather slowly for his general speed. Batman grabbed the boy by his shoulders and stopped him dead in his tracks. "We will find him dont worry." Batman then leaned in really close and whispered so only wally could hear. "We will find Robin there is no need to worry." and with that said Batman left and took the Justice League with him. Wally stood in shock. "why did he say Robin?" wally asked himself. "Was Batman, the greatest detective and smartest person he knew, confused? Batman was never confused and he never made a mistake. Could it be he wants me to know something? Could it be hes trying to tell me the Richard and Robin are in fact the same person?" Wally was plagued with these questions for weeks. All he could do was worry and try to figure out what it was Batman was trying to tell him. Even now after an entire month without Robin or Richard by he still kept himself distant from the team and everyone else, and just thought about what was happening and what was going on. He just wanted to know where his friends were and why they both happen to fall off the radar at the exact same time. Did Robin get hurt on the mission he went on the night? Is Robin just more important to Batman the Richard is and that is why he said Robin instead of Richard? He couldnt help but wonder and think.

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