chapter 7

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wally sat in the lobby of wayne indesties awaiting his turn to see mr.wayne. wally had his back to the front desk, mostly because the red haired secretary wouldnt take her eyes off him and was making him uncomfortable. wally waited for a good hour or two till the secretary called him over. he made his way to the desk through the rather empty tower. "heres the key, just go into the elevator and press the button with the big b on it." she said with a little attitude. wally nodded and walked over to the elevator right as it opens. to his surprise none other then dick grayson was standing in the small box. "oh hey there wally. did you come to talk to bruce?" he asked with a smile. wally couldnt help but get distracted by his bright blue eyes. wally just kinda smiled and nodded at the younger boy. "well hes ready for you so go up." dick said switching places with wally in the elevator. wally waved to his friend and hopefully soon to be boyfriend as the doors closed. wally shock his head and look to the buttons on the left side. inserting the key in the slot next to the button panel he pressed the big b and elevator started to move. it wasnt long till the box came to a stop and the doors opened. wally walked directly into the huge office. it was a nice office and was furnished with old wood looking structures. to the left was a fully loaded mini bar with a small tree next to it. in the middle towards the back was a desk and behind that desk was a big chair with the front looking out the window. theres was in fact a small chair in front of the desk. wally proceeded with caution as he walked to the desk. "excuse me, sir?" he asked a little intimidated. "yes, hello wally." bruce said as he swiveled his chair slowly to the front. "im glad you came, now sit we have much to discuss." bruce said gesturing to the small chair. wally did as he was told not wanting to upset the man. 'he kinda gives off a batman vibe.' wally thought to him self as he sat down. "good now i have made a decision, you can date dick." bruce said wally couldnt stop him self form smiling.

"thank you sir. im--"

"not so fast i have if you will." bruce interrupted

"first dont use dick as an atm. second if you hurt him i will hurt you. third you must come to dinner tonight with your family."

wally nodded at the simple guide- lines he was giving. "sir im staying with my uncle for a while, my parents are out of town. " bruce brought his right hand up to his face in thought. " that will work just fine. now if you dont mind i have some business to attend to." bruce said as he looked at his desk top and started to type away. wally stood up and tried to walk calmly to the elevator doors. he was almost there when he bruces voice had stopped him dead in his tracks. "one more thing wally. if dick is not wanting to tell you something, leave it at that and do not press the matter further. have a good day." wally took a deep breath and went into the elevator. the excitement was just getting to much to for him bare and he just couldnt hold it back any longer. he went into speedster mode and started to run in a small circle in the elevator. he hit face first into the side wall of the elevator when he heard the ding of the doors opening. he heard a fimilar laugh. with his eyes shut he called out a name. "Robin? in that you?"

"no guess again." wally heard the voice say trying not to laugh. wally opened his eyes to see the one person he wanted to see. "dick?" he asked and automatically new it was a stupid question. "So when's are first date?" Dick asked extending a hand to the ginger on the floor. "you know what he said?"
"Yeah he told me before you... wanna head to my place?"
"Yeah sure." Wally said grabbing the boys hand and hoisting him self up. With out letting go of his hand, dick interlocked it in his. Wally looked down at their conjoined hands and smiled softly. Dick turned to the lady at the desk. "Hey babs if bruce asks wally and I are at my place." "Yeah dick I heard." She said sarcastically. "Were you using my name or insulting me? "
"Why not both?" She asked and Richard just shook his head. With out a second thought wally scooped dick up and ran to Wayne Manor, happy to finally be with richard.

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