My Fears?//Shelby

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What's up guys it's Shelby. this week's theme is fears or weaknesses. i can't think of any weaknesses so i'm just going to write about my fears.

i have a fear of bats. ok let me explain. about two years ago, a bat go into my house. it was in my room, flying around. it scared the crap out of me. my parents captured it and put it outside, but i'm still terrified of them getting in our house again.

another fear of mine is kind of childish, but it's the fear of complete darkness. i've watched so many scary movies and i feel like something will grab me. when i'm in complete darkness, i feel like my life will turn into a horror movie or something.

i also have a fear of ghosts, which ties into my fear of the dark. i live in a 100+ year old house and i swear there is some spirit haunting it. because in the middle of the night when every thing's silent, i hear noises. like this one time, i woke up in the middle of the night. i was about to go to sleep when i hear something fall. i got out of my bed to see what it was. i saw my picture frame, containing a picture of my grandma, on the floor. there's no way that it could've fallen by itself because it was propped up against the wall. i was freaked out so i went back to bed. other things have fallen off of shelves since that day. it's creepy.

i don't really fear death itself, but i fear what happens afterwards.
like will i go to heaven?
will i go to hell?
will i get to watch over my loved ones?
does my mind still think for itself?
will i still have my memories?
will i see my other relatives that have passed before me?
so many questions i have about life after death. i guess i'll just have to wait and find out for myself.


i hope you enjoyed this weeks chapter. sorry it's short.

if you got this far comment 'unicorns'

have a wonderful day and stay sassy!


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