Where am I after 10 years? -Hanna

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Hi! It's me, Hanna. I hope you're having an amazing day cause you should be having an a amazing day.

This weeks theme is: Where I see myself in 10 years?

It's really weird to think that after 10 years I will be turning 25. But let's see where am I after 10 years.



Hi, I'm currently 14 years old but I will turn 15 this year. I have a lots of friends. I'm in love with KnJ and Troye Sivan. I'm little bit sad that I didn't meet them this year but maybe next year. I'm in love with writing and art. I'm starting 9th grade on August which is cool. Last year in that school. I dream about starting an Youtube channel and I have no idea what I will be when I grow up. I also want to get tattoos and travel a lot in future.


It's been a year since that last writing. I'm going to high school and I still don't have a clue what I want to be when I grow up. Is that a bad thing? Idk. This summer has been the best summer. Cause guess what...I MET KNJ!! They came to Finland on their tour and when I found out, I literally freaked out. I also met my internet friends, which was cool! We have these gc in Twitter and finally we met.
I also have an internet bestie now. I love her, she is the best. I finally started talking to this guy and we are flirting and stuff...so I'm happy atm. Little bit sad cause my best friend is moving away. I also started a new hobby, I drive a bmx bike.


I will turn 17 soon! Damn time go fast...I'm currently dating this one boy. He is super cute and make me laugh. I've met my internet friends this year too. I still love KnJ so much. But omg next year I will turn 18! I'm starting a second year on high school, which is really nice. I've been hanging out with my best friend cause I've been visiting her and she have been visiting her. Next year is my last year on high school and after that, I will travel or just keep studying. I'm also working my ass of this summer to get money to a camera so I can start an youtube channel. I'm still into writing and I think I will become an author, journalist or something like that.


So basically I have an youtube channel now. I have 1000 subscribers and I post a new video once or twice a week. My last year in high school will begin soon. I will turn 18 so soon! I will get my first tattoo then. I was thinking like a cloud. You may think: what's the meaning of that tattoo?
Dreams come true. One of my dreams came true already. I'm an youtuber. I have enough money to travel now and I'm so freaking happy. I'm going to travel to see my best friend and internet bestfriend. Oh, I'm still with my boyfriend.


So I just got out of high school. I will spend one year traveling so my dream will come true. I've made collabs with some Finnish youtubers but I'm so excited for making collabs with American and British youtubers. I have two tattoos. A cloud and world map. I will get more tattoos in the future but for now those are enough.


I came back from my year of traveling and I'm actually happy to be back here. So if you didn't know, I was traveling with my best friend. I met amazing people and I made a lot of collabs with other youtubers. I met a lots of youtubers. I also met this one guy but let's not talk about him yet. I will start in a new school after this summer. I will become a journalist or an author. I have a job atm.


Soon I will turn 21. Time really goes fast. I'm starting in a school now in this one city which isn't my home town. Bigger city. I still continue making youtube and I have a lots of subscribers. No boyfriend. 2 more tattoos maybe this year, don't know yet tho. See you next year.


So basically I'm an adult now. I don't even have to tell you guys how old I turn cause you can do math(I guess?)
Youtube is going on, I'm studying, I have a boyfriend and I'm writing a book. Not bad. World is changing all the time which isn't always a good thing...But I'm happy atm


23 years...Not yet but soon...I have some good news, actually really good news. Me and my boyfriend got a dog and we had a child. Babygirl. Name? Let's talk about it later. I published my first book, I still make youtube videos but like once in a two weeks which I know is not a lot. You know, life with a baby is not easy so I'm busy and I'm still studying so...


I quit Youtube, my life...I know it's not good news to subscribers but I can't do anything about it now. It was the only right decision. Our girl is over year old now. She is our princess. We moved also. People are waiting for a sequel to my story. Let's see if I can get that done. Oh and we are engaged now...


10 years later...
So we are getting married this year, in two months. Our girl is 2 years old and our dog is 3. I love my life right now and I wouldn't change anything. I would love to continue youtube but I think it's too late for that now. And also I'm writing a sequel to my book(don't tell anyone). I graduated and I will get a job soon.


Hi every single beautiful creature reading this! Yes you too! I'm happy about this support we get from you guys. So I decided to write this as a diary:)

See ya next thursday my aliens,

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