Marissa #2

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Hey guys it's marissa and weeks theme is 'where do u see yourself in 10 years'

You see I enjoy acting and singing so I would love to do movies and tv shows. But I've always wanted to do YouTube videos. I've been trying to do that it is also some I enjoy doing and it's fun to do. Getting a few friends and just filming a YouTube video. I mean my friends say I'm funny. They might just be saying that because we are friend but I'm just going to believe them....

I truly do see myself in 10 years as a 23 year old in Los Angles, California doing YouTube videos for a job. Having fun with new friends I meet on the way in my adventure and hopefully with a loving boyfriend. That take cares or me and treats me well. He would enjoy music like me and we would usually jam out to music in the car singing and dancing along. We would also go on adventures all the time. You know one day we might just go to Mexico for the week out of no where.

You see I have many hopes for the future but truly what I want most in 10 years is real happiness. Even thought I might meet people that will take me down I want to be surrounded with people that are there for me, that make me laugh and just over all make me happy.

I hope you guys like this weeks theme I know it was a bit hard cause I mean I have dreams and all that but I truly didn't know what to write.

Love ya -Marissa🦄🤘🏻

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