"So you one of us?" He asked walking over to me he held out his hand, I suppressed a smile and shook it.

"Yes, I am." He smiled and pulled me against his chest and did the arm wrapping thing, stunned for a moment I just sat there. I slowly lifted my rams returning the warm gesture. I looked at Parker over his shoulder, he was staring at me again. This time I was the one who looked away.

"My name is Johnathan Bribe, you already know my brother Parker." he walked over to him and wrapped on of his arms across Parker's shoulders making him slouch slightly. "He's a real idiot when it comes to making new friends but I guess he did alright with you." Parker shoved him and Johnathan laughed. John didn't hate me, I could tell by the way he talked and how calm he was, he was treating me like a human.

"Yeah, he is. But I was the same way." I allowed myself to smile and was greeted by laughs from the entire room. Another man walked up to me and shook my hand.

"Oh don't we know it! You're boyfriend sure gave us a show when he had his little lecture on a soap box after we first attacked. By the way sorry about that, we had no idea about you're intentions. I'm Rick Jones." I smiled and shook his hand soon everyone in the room was wanting to talk to me. I was shaking hands all evening. I didn't know that kind of happiness existed. People talked to me, wanted to know me. I laughed at jokes and learned more than I thought I could learn with even Adam teaching me. By the end of the day I had people I enjoyed being around and a kind of tired that makes you look forward to when you wake up again. I found Parker sitting in the corner of the room with Tucker sound asleep in his lap where there were two little chairs with a matching table between them. I sat down in the one next to him.

"I don't know you, hell I don't know any of you. So why does this feel more welcoming than with the people I do know?"

"Because we want to live. The people you knew, didn't see this anymore. Couldn't see the beauty in living this life." He didn't look at me but I could tell this was a touchy subject.

"It's not only that. Why is everyone suddenly so open to me? You and everyone else here hated me and some even still hate me, so why?"

"Because we rose to conclusions, made assumptions, and acted on them without thinking. People make mistakes like that. I made a mistake," He looked at me a strange color added to his eyes, a little green around his pupil. "I don't hate you, Eve." My stomach squirmed and a strange feeling rose into my chest. I looked away from him.

"Thanks... I don't hate you either, never did." Parker stood up. "Let's get you to you're room. It's late." I picked up Tucker and followed him out of the still crowded room, up another flight of stairs, through a hallway of girls, and through a door on the very end.

"Ok theres clothes in the dresser and a bathroom right across the hall." He paused a moment and stared at me again, I felt the blood flush out of my face. "If that's all you need, I'm going to bed as well." and with one last glance he left me in a highly decorated room by myself. I sat on the bed completely stumped about what just happened. He doesn't hate me. Blood rushed back into my face, making it hot. I looked up and noticed the other bed across the room. Just then the door opened again and one of the girls I met tonight came trudging in.

"Eve! Nice to see you again! We bunking together then?" She threw a large sack onto the other bed and sat on the floor with one of the bottles I've been seeing everywhere in hand.

"I guess so. Do we just go to sleep then?" She just started laughing hysterically.

"No! Of course not! When two girls like us get together expect no sleep for hours! C'mon is'time for some good old fashion girl talks!" She produced another bottle from her bag and tossed it at me, I caught it right before it hit the ground. "Go on drink up we can't really have fun till you do!" She stood up and staggered her way over to me and sat down. "Here I'll open it since you're green."

"Uh, green?"

"Yeah green! You're so noob I bet you don't even know what this is." She pulled out a small silver object and popped the top off my bottle, it fizzed and yellowish foam came out. "Oh hurry up drink it before it's gone!" She yelled so I tipped it back and the foul bitter taste of whatever was inside burned its way down my throat, I swallowed a couple times then gagged.

"What is this?" I choked as warmth began to spread through my stomach.

"It's Beer! The best thing other than the idea of unicorns! I'm telling ya right now if you want to party you have to have some of this with you at all times!"

"Listen Izzy, I'm tired can we just go to bed?" I suddenly felt a little light headed and shook my head to clear it.

"Nope! I got some stuff to tell you, did you know that Colin and Sherey have a thing! No one else knows but Sammy just told me about it tonight! You can't tell anyone alright?" I nodded vigorously and heat spread through my body, I felt great.

"I won't tell anyone."

"Good! I've got some other stuff to tell you but you really look like you're about to fall over. Wait here a sec." She stood up and slowly walked to the door. And opened it. "Hey Barbara! WE GOT A SITUATION WITH EVE!" She yelled down the hall, I could hear doors opening and people moaning upset about being woken up. A tough looking woman with reddish brown hair came into the doorway and was glaring at Izzy.

"Izzy! People are trying to sleep! Why the fuck are you still drinking?" She grabbed the bottle from her hands and barged into the room. "What have you done Izzy, you've intoxicated her! Honey how much of that did you drink?" She said taking my bottle. "This thing isn't even half empty! Izzy you go sleep in my room! Oh I'm gonna have to stay with you tonight Eve. I'm Barbara, hopefully I won't have to remind you tomorrow." I hiccuped and nodded. I wasn't quite sure why she and Izzy were switching places but I didn't care. I just wanted to sleep.

"Can I sleep now?" I started to say some other things but I couldn't hear myself. So I stood up to pull the blankets out of the way so I could lay down.

"Whoa hold on Eve! Where are you going?" Barbara said grabbing hold of my shoulders I mumbled about going to bed but tears started falling down my face.

"Cole was the only one who grabbed me. Let go." I whined pushing her hands off. "I don't wanna think about him. He hurt me." I sniffed turned and pulled the blankets back. "I just wanna sleep, don't wanna remember Cole, or I'm gonna cry. I already cried today you know?" I hiccuped again as I laid down and covered myself with the blanket. Barbara said something but I ignored it. Still hiccuping and tears streaming down my face I fell asleep doing the one thing I told myself not to do. I missed Cole and everyone else in the compound. I let myself feel scared. 

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