Chapter 33- Finding her

Start from the beginning

Ethan wondered what that was about. But then thought Nick might know more then he was saying. Like his thoughts yesterday, he knew Amber talked to Nick, she told him more then she had told the rest of them.

Ethan wanted to ask his brother, but if Nick wasn't sharing that information then there had to be a reason. Looking back to the front, he realized he could wait. Jenni was good to her word, she had got them home in just under two hours.

She pulled Lucca's Explorer into their driveway. As soon as she put it in park, Ethan was out the door and heading towards his bike. He was going to Evan's. He would thank Jenni later for having the foresight to not making him and Amber having an audience. He needed to talk to her alone.

Three months later-

He hadn't seen her in three long months. They say the first year of your marriage is supposed to be the best you ever had, but so far it was the worst three months of his life. All the hell he grew up with having cold parents didn't even come close to what he was going thru right now.

He pulled his bike into the first empty slot he found in the hospital parking lot. His hand shook had he pulled the key out and slowly got off the bike. He pulled his helmet off, and had to take a deep breath to calm his shaking nerves. Slowly he walked to the hospitals double doors.

His feet wanted to race thru those doors as fast as his heart was beating, but he made himself take slow steps. She hadn't contacted him in those three months she had been gone and now he wasn't so sure she wanted to see him now. She wasn't the one that called him.

He had just gotten to work when his cell phone rang. It was a nurse from the hospital, she said Amber had been in an accident and he needed to come. Before getting on his bike he had called Nick to let him know what was going on. Also to ask Nick if he could call and get more information on Amber's condition.

Ignoring the reception desk lady that was trying to get his attention he headed for the elevators. The nurse told him to come to the forth floor nurse desk when he got there. Punching the right button for the floor he needed, he stepped back and leaned against the mirrored wall.

He didn't know what he was going to find when he walked out of these elevator doors and he was scared. He just wanted to walk into her room and hold her in his arms and never let her go, but he had a gut feeling that he wasn't going to be able to do that and that scared him even more.

If he would have been paying attention when the doors whisked open, he would have realized what floor he was on, but he only had eyes for the nurse's desk that sat in the middle of the floor. Walking straight for it, it only took him about fifteen steps before he was at the side and had to stop. An older female sat behind the desk typing away at a computer. She looked up when he cleared his throat to get her attention.

“How may I help you?” She asked kindly.

“Names Ethan Duster, I was told my wife, Amber was here.”

“Oh yes, Mr. Duster, I was the one that called you.” She stood up and pointed to a set of chairs against one wall that he only noticed when she gestured towards it. “Please have a seat, there's a few things about your wife’s condition before you see her.”

Ethan really didn't give a flip about her condition at the moment, he just wanted to see her, but this nurse had taken her time to call him, so he thought it best to listen first.

Ethan followed her to the bank of chairs and took a seat. He watched her folded her hard worked hands into her lap before she started talking.

“It was by luck that I found you. When Amber came in she didn't have any I.D. On her. So we didn't know who she was.”

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