Chapter 30- One year later

Start from the beginning

She went about putting her supplies on the little table Nick had brought out for her earlier. Just as she finished all got quite behind her. She turned to see four pathetic looking faces. They had their best puppy dog looking faces aimed at her, well except Ethan, he just wore a smirk.

For some reason that smirk gave her funny feelings in her stomach. Feelings she didn't know what to do with. She blushed and turned away from that stark blue stare.

Now focusing on Micca, she calmed down a little. Micca always calmed her jumpy nerves, after he would give her a soft smile. She raised a brow at Lucca's pleading face, and turned to Nick. Nick was the most level headed one of the bunch. The one she knew she could get a straight and to the point answer from.

“Yes?” she asked and waited patiently.

Nick's P.O.V.-

Nick sighed, knowing he had to ask her. Knowing she was going to say no. Knowing it was Ethan's turn to stay home with her. Ethan didn't seem to mind to much these days, but Amber wasn't comfortable around Ethan when they were alone. They all knew it, but he had promised he would ask, like every Wednesday night, and he knew she was going to say no, like every Wednesday night for the last two years.

“Will you go with us to the pub?”

Amber blinked at him a couple times, then laughed softly. “No Nick, I have to work on my painting for class. I wont have much time this weekend and it's due Monday.” She smiled at me then turned back around. She started squeezing paint onto what looked like a plate with a bunch of little dips in it. There was a whole on one side, that he assumed was for her thumb.

He waved his hand at the others to come. All four made it back into the house.

Ethan spoke up first, “Go, she will be okay. I doubt she will even realize I'm the one that stayed home. She knows we never leave her completely alone. She will do her painting, clean up and go to bed.” Nick didn't wondered how Ethan knew Amber so well, when in the two years she had lived there, Ethan always knew where she was. Nick knew he watched Amber closely. Ethan always knew where Amber was at any given moment of the day. “Besides she never seeks any of us out. She will just assume one of us is here and go about her own business.”

We all nodded at Ethan. He was right, we had all watched Amber relax as she got used to us. But we still never touched her unless she touched us first or knew we were going to touch her, even after two years.

Lucca made the mistake of touching her shoulder once when she wasn't paying attention and it took Micca almost two hours to calm her down enough before she would let anyone get within five feet of her.

As Amber relaxed more around us, she got used to having at least one person in the house at all times with her.. The one time our schedules got mixed up and she came home to an empty house, she refused to go inside until Ethan looked threw every room in the house to make sure no one else was in there.

Amber later told me about it. She said Ethan hadn't questioned her reasoning, he just did as she asked. After he checked the house, he came back out and got her.

Ethan told him later that night that it took him almost thirty minutes to talk Amber in to coming inside, and once he got her to come in, she grabbed his arm and wouldn't let him go until he got her to her bedroom and promised not to leave the house until the rest of them got home. Ethan had left her in her room and that's where Amber stayed for the rest of the night. She wouldn't even come out to get anything to eat.

We haven't left her alone since. It had been tricky always lining up their schedules. He knew he had to leave a class early on more then one occasion to make sure she wasn't left alone.

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