Chapter 2, Revelation: I can't stop them

Start from the beginning

As much as I hated being his personal punch-bag, I missed his authority. I missed his leadership. I missed following rules. I missed not having to make the rules. I missed having no pressure, and I missed being an omega.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, ridding myself of the past. I had to stop wondering off back there again, it wasn’t exactly the best thing to do.

“Call the whole population to a gathering tonight on Eustatia.” I said, and the room of confused faces just seemed to get worse. “I’ll tell everyone the plan, and then, when we return to Necker we will clear the connections and make no new ones.”

The room of frowns seemed to transfer into shock at the same time, like they’d planned their reaction all together. “What are you saying?” Fi said quietly in the back.

I softened my tone for her, and for her only, “The volunteers who return to Necker tonight will fight the queen, whenever she may come, and only when I say it is safe will we return to Eustatia.”

“What if you don’t live to say it’s safe?”

“Then you don’t return.”

As I stood in my little beach house I felt a sense of sorrow. I’d lived here for three years, sleeping in the bamboo bed, and prancing around the kitchen. I gulped down the memories and made my way through the house to the phone.

I stared at it for a while, and I knew it had to be done. I picked it up and dialled the number.

“Hello?” Answered Ronan, in his usually miserable tone. Things hadn’t gone well yet for him. So far, he’d found no cure for his immortality, and as his mate was growing, he was staying the same.

“Ronan.” I sighed, leaning against the wall and finding comfort in his voice, despite the last time I saw him was when he’d been trying to kill me.

“Cathy!” He replied, his voice a little lighter now, “To what do I owe the pleasure of your call?” He asked, and I smiled at his words. It was funny how he always managed to confuse me with the simplest sentences.

“Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” I asked, knowing all too well there wasn’t any good news.

“Oh dear.” He sighed, knowing exactly the same as me. I didn’t know how I managed to be so transparent through the phone, but he always seemed to figure out what I meant. “Go on, spill.”

“The queen knows about Necker.” I said slowly, trying to get used to the words on my lips. I’d have to repeat them to the population in a few hours. I heard Ronan’s sigh.

“Is everyone ok?” He seemed genuinely concerned. I almost felt tears in my eyes, because it always surprised me when Ronan played a part of the Warvick pack. He was the queen’s son.

But then again, I was her daughter too.

“Everyone’s fine. But I need you to promise me something.”


“If I die, will you lead Eustatia.” The words seemed more logical in my head, but now they were out.

Ronan didn’t respond for a while. And I heard voices in the background, his mate and the girl who wasn’t quite against the queen.

“What about Necker?” He asked without agreeing.

“If I’m dead, Necker will be long gone, including the people fighting.” I said quickly, trying not to focus on the meaning, “But Eustatia is a peaceful place, they’re not fighting, they’re just living. You wouldn’t have to do much.” I wanted him to agree so much I was almost on my knees begging.

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