Chapter 2

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After some debate, Undyne, Papyrus, Sans and Frisk found a class they could all agree to take. Luckily, all four of them were enthusiastic about it.

"It's settled," said Undyne. "I'll get us the textbooks."


"I'll make sure the class times fit into all our schedules," said Frisk. 

Sans laid back. "And I will take a nap."

*                    *                  *

The scent of cinnamon and sugar wafted from the kitchen. Within minutes everyone in the house could smell Toriel's homemade pie in the oven. Frisk and Sans sat by the fire holding their palms up to it. The soft fur rug beneath them absorbed the gentle heart radiating from the flames. Frisk laid down and stretched. She couldn't wait for spring. Though the snow outside was beautiful, Frisk couldn't handle the cold. And she was starting to miss the sun. Gazing at the ceiling, Frisk remembered she was hungry. Her hand slipped under the rug and brought out a strawberry candy. She unwrapped it. 

Sans heard the wrapper crinkle and looked at her. "Where'd you get that?"

"Candy stash," said Frisk, moving the pink disk around in her mouth.

Sans pulled up the rug. Nothing was there.

Frisk moved off the fur carpet. "It's on my side of the rug."

When Sans rolled back the mat he could hardly believe what he was seeing. Lollipops, taffy and rainbow skittles had been scattered beneath them the whole time. His bony hand picked out a green taffy from the mix. "Wow. Does Toriel know about this?"

"She knows about this stash."

"This stash? Don't tell me there's more," said Sans with mounting interest.

Frisk leaned closer to the fire. "Well, I can't stash chocolate under'll melt."

"How many stashes do you have?"

Frisk looked about to make sure no one was around. "I have stashes everywhere; all around the house, in the yard, in the park, there's even some in your house."

Stunned, Sans jerked his head up. "My house?"

"Well, I spend a lot of time there so I keep some around for emergencies." After a moment, Frisk grinned. "They're hidden so well. Just try and find them."

"I will," said Sans with resolve.

Thumping came from the above floor. Toriel was coming downstairs.

"Frisk, Sans! The pie will be ready soon."

The teens migrated over to the dining room, taking their seats at the table. Before long, Toriel emerged from the kitchen. Her mitts cradled a steaming pie with golden crust.

Frisk closed her eyes and savored the sweet aroma.

"My child," said Toriel. "When does your class at the recreational center start?"

"Tomorrow," said Frisk.

"Make sure you do all your homework before you go."

Frisk nodded to show she was listening as Toriel sliced the pie into triangular pieces. The dessert was distributed onto three plates. Frisk took hers and dug in. She had to be careful; it was searing hot. When Frisk looked over, she noticed Sans eating at the same pace as her. Frisk nonchalantly ate faster. Sans took larger bites. Frisk matched him. Sans shoved the whole slice in his mouth. Frisk did the same.

Toriel stood. "What are you two doing!?"

Frisk lunged for her cup. Her throat was burning. She guzzled the cold water while her legs tensed beneath the table. Sans was gasping for air while trying to swallow at the same time.

 Frisk's brown eyes watered but she was laughing. "That was so not worth it." She looked at Sans who had just recovered. "Heehee, your eyes turned dark and serious...over a slice of pie."

Sans rubbed the back of his head. 

Toriel continued eating. "I would lecture you two, but I think you've learned your lesson."

"Yep, Pie regret doing that."

Frisk gave Sans a dull look.  

At the end of the meal, Toriel took the plates and went back to the kitchen. Sans and Frisk followed. While Toriel put food away, the teens cleaned the dishes. Frisk would wash them while Sans dried and put them away.

Once they were finished, Frisk made her way to the stairs. "Thanks Mom, for the pie."

Sans went to the front door. "Bye Frisk. See you tomorrow."

Frisk stopped on her way upstairs. She backtracked and poked her head from the corner. "Oh that's right you have work tomorrow." Sans worked at clothing store but you would never guess it seeing that he wore the same outfit every single day. "What time do you get off?"

"And hour before our class starts." 

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