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"Chanyeol, I can't do this anymore."

You let out an disbelieved laugh, throwing the gun towards me as I was sitting in the couch.

"You are very funny, come on. Business."

"Chanyeol, didn't you hear what I said? I can't do this bullshit any-"

I was standing up from the ouch while talking, but shrieked as you suddenly appeared in front of me.

"You want to go home? To your mommy? To my daddy?"


You tilted your head, a crooked smile dancing on your lips while you grabbed my arm.

"That's not possible anymore. We've been through too much."

You let go, nodded your head into the direction of the door.

"Come on."

I killed 2 people this night. One of them was a small girl that was holding a doll in her arms.

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