Calls And Messages

Start from the beginning

...nothing, with a sigh i realized that I wouldn't have peace of mind if she called and I wasn't their to answer. The a more pressing realization occurred.... i was butt naked....

Rushing back from once I came I throw the phone onto the bed and jumped into the shower, till I realized that it was ice cold water running out and jumped back out. Laughing I switched the tab back to hot and waited then put my hand back in to make sure the temperature was suitable.

I left the door a crack open and went about my business, little did I know that my phone was on vibrate and the full spray of the shower drowned out its veep, veeeep, veeeeeeeeeep sound.

* * * * * * *

Typical Dad, always worrying about every little thing that happened to me. The engagement is off! Get over it! It's not like people hadn't seen it coming or that it wasn't practically my fault. STUPID stupid Miley, never learns! Then the rage came, as it always did when I start to remember.

Everything was going GREAT, we had our whole life planned out. I already saw myself at the age of 30 with 2 kids and the best career ever with the best husband ever. But unknown to me was that I would've been a 30 year old 'where-are-they-now' star with screaming kids while my 'hubby' was off hitting off any blonde that came by him. Why did you think I changed my hair color in the first place? I DON'T EVEN LIKE BLOND!

But I still did it, everything I've done was to get him out of my life, but it only worked half way. He'll always have a place in my heart, He'll always be mine in ways I can never describe. But how can I be with someone I could never be able to fully trust? That's what the media didn't get, they expected us to stay the perfect couple despite our problems, they expected me to just get over it and move on. He said I should get over it and move on.

And now he was out shooting Catching Fire while I was here try not to have a severe celebrity mental breakdown! You need to move on! I yelled at my self, forget about everything! forget about the past, it'll will only haunt you further...

But how could I move on when I'm seen as the train wreck waiting to happen. And the worst part- the part I never thought about while I was being all 'Crazy Miley'- was that I wont be able to stop....

I can't go back to former Miley, not yet. I like this new me even thought I hurt those closest to me. My fans are horrified when ever they type my name on Google on their computer, my parents are constantly fighting my battles, while I sit at home and mop. I stood up fiercely and tighten my fists, NO! I will not be a victim, if people wanna talk, well, like Victoria Duffiel's song says "let them talk" !

So sitting back on the couch I did exactly what Liam had advised me to do when he stood outside my door when he walked away.... I'm moving on.

I looked at my phone and found Nicks message had popped up;

                      Hey Miley!

Haven't heard from you in a while! Hope you ain't dead! I kinda hoped you'd be free to talk or to hang out? Or not, if you still got stuff to do. Anyway, whatever you decide you know where to reach me.


I had the most ridiculously goofy smile on my face EVER! The next thing I did just came second nature...

                          *********Calling Nick*********

It Just Wasn't The Right Time For Niley (Nick And Miley)Where stories live. Discover now