Him and Me- Twenty Six.

Start from the beginning

Fighting the urge to stick my tongue out at Matty, I leaned back against the couch, twisting my body as far from my brother as possible to avoid him peeking at my phone. I barely managed to bring the phone up to my face when Matty’s hand suddenly shot towards the gadget. Luckily I was able to move it out of the way and I jumped out of the couch in the process.

“Learn to behave like an adult, too!” I exclaimed before turning to run.

“I am an adult!” Matty called out, and I rolled my eyes as I reached the bottom of the staircase. Yeah right.

Taking two steps at a time, I climbed up and proceeded to my room. As I plopped down on the bed, I held my phone up and opened the message.

Hey Kayla. How are you? Basketball camp’s fun, but I miss hanging out with you. Hope everything’s fine. See you soon.

I felt a blush creep across my cheeks, and my lips formed a small smile. I curled my feet beneath my legs and then typed a reply.

Hey Kyle. Glad to know you’re having fun. Play fair, and don’t break any ankles!

Leaning back against the wall, I grabbed a pillow and placed it on my legs, setting my phone on top of it. After a few seconds my phone buzzed, and I read Kyle’s response.

Haha, don’t worry, I won’t. We’re going to do exercises now. Talk to you soon. I miss you.

A huge smile spread across my face. Kyle was being his usual self—nice and sweet. I was about to reply, but then I heard Matty’s voice shouting from downstairs. I frowned at the sound. My room was located at the end of the hall, and still I could hear my brother roar. Sighing, I lifted myself up off the bed and went over to my door, opening it just in time to hear Matty yell my name. Loud.

“What?” I screeched back as I jogged over to the top of the staircase, annoyed. I didn’t want to shout louder than I had to inside my own house, unlike some stupid person, who happened to be my brother.

“You have a visitor,” Matty said in that booming voice.

A visitor? My eyebrows scrunched as I made my way down the stairs, curious, Matty’s loud voice forgotten. Who would visit me at 3 in the afternoon?

Walking the length of the hall, I stopped a couple of feet behind Matty. His body was blocking the view of the opened front door, on which he was leaning against. My visitor was still standing outside. Matty didn’t even invite my visitor inside the house. How very hospitable.

I cleared my throat, making my brother turn his head slightly to face me. I shot him a hard glare, and tried to squeeze in the small space between him and the opening. It was common practice for people who had visitors to actually be able to see them. Matty, being his usual self, angled his body in such a way that it would be impossible for me to get through. Crossing my arms over my chest, I gave him a kick on the back of his knee.

“Ouch!” He cried out as he turned around with a glare and rubbed the back of his knee. I rolled my eyes. It was a total exaggeration. I didn’t kick him that hard.

“You were blocking the front door,” I said in a bored tone. That earned me another death glare, a one which I met with a sweet smile. Matty was such a distraction that I didn’t even notice who my visitor was, until a voice spoke.

“Didn’t I tell you to keep your violence in check?”

Peering around Matty, who was still rubbing the back of his knee and was mumbling under his breath, a pair of amused green eyes met mine.

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