I involuntarily gulped. I wasn't so sure I wanted stitches. Especially from anyone less than a doctor.

Jay pushed the bottle back into my hands, "Drink."

"I don't drink," I tried weakly.

Jay met my eyes, "Well, you may want to start because this is going to hurt like hell."

I grimaced at his words and then stared apprehensively down at the bottle. After sighing, I brought it to my lips and took a swig.

It was strong, way stronger than I had expected, and it burned like liquid fire going down my throat. I coughed involuntarily, thumping my chest with a closed fist in a sad attempt to calm my lungs.

"Easy there," Jay said, patting my back awkwardly. I sucked in a breath, my eyes watering slightly before taking another swig.

This one went down easier and I could feel the pain numbing a bit. I blinked as I met Jay's eyes, taking another swig, "Better get on with it then."

He reached up and grabbed the cloth where it was torn around my wound. Then, much to my surprise, he tore the sleeve clean off. He pushed the now shorter sleeve further up my shoulder before grabbing the wet rag again.

He gently brushed away the blood, but that didn't mean it didn't cause me any pain. My eyes stung with fresh tears as I took another swig. God this stuff tasted vile.

I could feel my cognitive senses getting a little fuzzy. The pain ebbed on as Jay took the alcohol from me. "This'll hurt. I'll try to get it done quickly."

I clenched my teeth in anticipation as he poured alcohol all over the wound. I groaned and he pushed the bottle back in my hands, "Drink, and try not to look."

I did as I was told, but as he pulled out a needle and some thick thread, I couldn't help but whimper a little. God this would hurt.

"Drink." he ordered again when he saw me watching. I felt myself pale as more of the burning liquid settled in my stomach.

This can't be sanitary. Oh god, I'm going to die of infection.

I felt a sharp pain pierce my skin. It shot up my arm and into my shoulder, stretching like a tendon to my neck and temple. I gasped as Jay pulled the needle through and pulled the split flesh back together. Then he started the process all over again about a centimeter back.

I was vaguely aware of the solitary drop of water that slid down my cheek. In truth, I was more focused on holding in my cries, both for the sake of the sleeping children in the next room and so I didn't seem like a weak little girl in front of this pirate captain.

When Jay finally tied a knot at the end and pulled it tight, I sighed in relief, sinking back into the cushions of the couch.

My vision was really blurry. I looked down at the bottle to see I'd drank it all. That was surprising. I barely registered that Jay tied a strip of cloth around the wound.

I sank back into the couch and thrust the empty bottle towards his naked chest.

"That was fun," I giggled incoherently, "Let's do it again sometime."

Jay let out a low amused chuckle, "Yes, let's."

Jay stared at me for a moment with a curious glint in his eye. I turned my head and narrowed my eyes at him, "What?"

He smirked at me, "What was it like? Where you came from?"

I was probably grinning like a loon, but I couldn't find it in my heart to stop, "It was so nice. We've always lived near the ocean. Mom never cared much for it, but Dad and I went out on the waves whenever we could," I closed my eyes and laid my head back, "I miss them so much."

"What happened to them?" Jay asked.

I opened my eyes and looked at him with sad eyes, "They're out of my reach now."

Jay broke the eye contact and cleared his throat, "I'm sorry for your loss."

My eyebrows scrunched together as I thought about that. My parents weren't dead.

I turned my head back to find Jay watching me again.

"So where are you from? I don't believe you've ever said," he asked.

I opened my mouth to say 'Massachusetts', but paused when a thought came to mind. He was trying to get answers out of me while I'm drunk. My mouth snapped shut and a glared at him.

"What?" He asked, slightly alarmed by the weight of my stare.

I quickly thought of a reason to steer the conversation away from me. I couldn't risk blowing my secret now.

"Well that's hardly fair," I complained as my eyebrows knit together again, "Why do you get to know so much about me when all I know about you is that you're the captain of this bloody ship?"

Jay raised an eyebrow at my hostility. Then he chuckled a little bit, "What was it you wanted to know?"

I sat up straight and turned fully towards him, rubbing my chin dramatically as I thought.

"Oh!" I jumped a little when I came up with something, "I want to know what a good looking guy like you," I poked his chest for emphasis, "Is doing floating around in the middle of the ocean."

Jay raised a brow again, "You wish to know why I became a pirate?"

I nodded enthusiastically, folding my hands in my lap.

Jay slumped back into the couch and settled in, "It is quite a long story."

A Pirate in Time (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now