Chapter 2

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This chapter is dedicated to VanessaLovesSuga for the first comment and vote for this story!!!! Yeheey! Thank you so much!!!

Sean O'pry as Daniel Cromwell <3 So yummy...

"Where do you think you're going?"

My hands stopped buttoning up my shirt from the sound of his voice. I slowly looked down at my naked Mate. He's laying on the bed with his eyes still closed, so I thought he was asleep.

"My heat subsided. I better return to work-"

"The visitor is still here. Do not leave this room until he's gone."

"I-I'll stay in my room-"

"Lucas," I stiffened when his tone went low once again. Giving me one last warning. "Do not make me lose my patience."

I clenched my fist as I glared down at him. He's golden blond hair was in a mess yet it suits him well in his sleep. This man will always stand out wherever he goes for his beauty won't fail to call your attention. So strong and powerful...

How unfortunate that he's mated with someone like me.

That's why I could never blame him for not accepting me and having her replace my spot next to you.

The door opened and the Lady who shared this room with my Mate stared at me with wide eyes. Her pure blue eyes soon fell on the man laying on the bed before it returned to me with a glare.

She's a human. Unlike us werewolves, her senses were not strong to smell our mixed scents but she's not stupid enough to not notice what happened in this room in her absence.


"The Master is awake." I interrupted her before she could ruin her perfect innocent image. Her eyes widened a little before looking back at Daniel. Her small, thin lips formed a thin line.

What a pain...

If only she would keep her mouth close around me, I will adore how cute she is right now. Since she insults me every single time she can manage when Daniel is not around, I can only see her as a douchebag coated in pastels.

At least I should thank her for saving me right now.

"Daniel..." She called, using her sweet, calm and fake tone to fit her facade.

I rolled my eyes and continued to button my shirt up, since I could see an opportunity to escape right now.

"Daniel, I wanted to sleep too."

Blah blah... Whatever...

I ignored how my Mate opened his arms towards the girl with his eyes still closed. My chest clenched from this since he couldn't even treat me right.

But why am I sulking anyway?

Do I have the rights to? I believe I don't.

"I'll be taking my leave then." I said as I walked towards the door.

Half of me was asking how come he won't stop me now when he was just threatening me a while ago to not to leave.

Guess, his time alone with that woman matters more than me being taken away, huh?

This is noted.

I was about to leave completely when my Mate decided to show some concerns again.

"Make sure you'll stay in your room until that man is gone."

I glanced at him from my shoulder and found this annoying, selfish man now sitting on the bed. His woman was under the cover with her arms wrapped on my Mate's waist, but I should ignore that to save myself from the pain.

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