Chapter 17

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Julie POV

I comepletely lost all control of my body, My wolf had complete control. The last thing I remember was my wolf saying these randoms words that I could not understand, and then blacking out. I try to open my eyes but nothing is happening. All I see is black. 

It's time to wake up now

Someone tells me. I knew instantly that it was my wolf. I tell her I am trying to but I can't.

Feel it, you can. think of your mate, you must want to see him.

With the mention of James, I jerk awake. I realize I am in my bed in my house, and I am not alone. James is with me, including my parents. 

"Your awake thank god!" my mother says, while she rushes to my side. 

"I'm glad your up honey" my dad says. 

I give my mother a confused look as to why he is here after that whole argument they had and how he slapped her.


I tell her through our own private link.

We are fine now honey, he realized his mistake. Don't worry about it, just feel better

She reassures me.

I give her a slight nod in understanding. 

I turn towards James, and see that his eyes are guarded and he is off to the side of the door instead of by my side. As if he felt my stare, he looked up at me with that guarded look then turned and bolted out the door.

"JAMES!" I yell after him. My heart breaking with every step he takes.

"Mother whats wrong with him?!" I cry.

"Shh, sweety relax, he is just upset with himself, let him take a breather" she explains.

"Why is he upset with himself?" I ask confused.

"He is blaming himself that you got hurt" my father says from the other side of the room.

What is he talking about? I am not hurt.

I see my mom look down to my stomach, my ribs to be specific. What I saw made my mouth drop open and my eyes go wide. Bandages wrapped my ribs and stomach, except the part that covered my ribs had red slpashes everywhere.  

I start slowly hyperventalating and having a slight panic attack. 

"Honey, Honey calm down I will explain everything." My mom puts her hand on my shoulder and i flinch away. 

"CALL JAMES!!!!!!" My mother screams to no one in particular. 

No one needed to cal him though, he probably felt my anxiety, he was already by my side holding my hand and with his free hand resting it on my forehead. 

"Calm down beautiful" he whispers into my ear. 

"Honey just stay calm I will explain everything to you, just calm down please" my mother explains in a quiet, soothing voice.

Nick POV

(This is previously, ending at the last part from nicks POV)

"GET YOU HANDS OFF HER!!" I hear a voice yell.

I look towards the voice to late. The next thing I know this crazy wolf is pouncing on me. Of course with Beta blood in me, I easliy deflect it.

"Nick stop!!" Tisha yells. How dare she protects him! This must be the little mutt thats trying to take my Tisha away! 

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